CCF Photo Album


"We spent the S99 term in the CPH
building.  And here you see Kai and
Stanley standing in front the CCF board...... It had been a very fruitful
term for all of us.... I thank the Lord
for this fellowship....."


"And here you see the guys getting
ready for that day's CCF program....
I recall that that day, we were sharing
together in a circle, and reminiscing
about what we have learnt over the
past term....."


"And here you see Dylan, Euhan, and
Jason preparing for the singspiration...
I'm so thankful for these guys, as I recall that week, everybody was so busy, and still these brothers took the time out of their busy schedules to help out with worship..... Dylan practically led singspiration every week that summer.... He's so awesome!"


"This term, we had a joint cell group with
KWCAC Fellowship, and it has been
a very blessed cell group indeed.....

That Friday nite, we were so thankful to have Vania, Kendrick, and Maranda to
join us in leading singspiration.... "


" Ahhh.... the engineers!! 
Some of these brothers are froshes...
except for Dylan, of course....

Wow... there are a lot of engineers in
CCF (me being one of them).....I can
see how God utilizes every one of us
to be witnesses for Him on campus and
in the work place!

As our speaker Lew Worrad once said, The professional is the missionary for Christ..... "

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