Dear Visitor:

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Master Elmer V. Montoyo.  I am the president and founder of the
Philippine Integrated Martial Arts Academy Filipino-Tang Soo Do Association.

More than 30 years of experiencing and teaching the martial arts have shown me that the martial arts has something for everyone.  Have a look and see what we can do for you!
A training program customized for you
Everyone's needs are unique.  When you become a member of the academy, you get a training program designed to meet your personal needs.

For instance, if you want physical fitness and health, you will need to train differently than someone who wants to be a full-contact tournament champion.

No matter what your age, sex and needs are, martial arts training can help improve the quality of your life.
You can gain all the the benefits of training in the martial arts with a special emphasis on your own personal goals.

Let's look at just two examples of what you can gain.
1. Physical fitness & Coordination
2. Self defense

"The discipline of Martial arts training has helped me & two of my friends to earn our engineering licenses.  "
                                                    Engr. Rogelio Vinzon, BSEce
                                                     -Bacolod City
Physical Fitness and Coordination

The medical profession has found out that fitness doesn't need to decrease as one gets older.  Your physical fitness requirements don't decrease, they simply change.  A martial arts program such as that offered by the academy addresses all the areas you need to address to keep yourself healthy.  You train in flexibility, endurance,strength, speed & stress relief in a manner most conducive to your present condition.

While today's lifestyle doesn't give too many opportunities to gain or
maintain fitness and coordination, you have one in the martial arts.

Self Defense

Let's face it.  Most adults don't go around looking for trouble.  Unfortunately, in this less-than-perfect world we live in, there is always that segment of society out to harm others.
No normal adult wants to get into a fight, but it's always to their advantage to be prepared for the rare instance when they may have to defend themselves and their loved ones.

At the academy, you learn tested and proven self defense techniques.  These were developed from ancient warfare methods modified over the years to fit modern day society.  We teach them because we know they work.  They've been proven in successful confrontations with muggers, thieves and all sorts of "bad guys".
More importantly however, we teach you how to defend yourself through "de-escalation" of violence.  Through learning how to avoid conflict and how to recognize and deal with the personality of an aggressor, you get to end the conflict without ever throwing a punch or kick.
Fitness helps reduce stress
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
                                                                        -medical saying

"My training at the academy helped me fight off a rapist and immobilize him until the police arrived"
              -Anita Lim, Murcia, Negros Occidental
Join Now!

Drop by to observe a class!  We're open from Monday to Saturday, 3-8 P.M.  Our training hall is at Group K Complex, Araneta Street, Bacolod City.  You can also
send a message by clicking here or you can email us at [email protected].

Give yourself the martial advantage.  We look forward to working with you.


Master Elmer V. Montoyo
President and Chief Instructor

P.S.  The Martial Arts Are great for kids too! Click here to see our
Children's programs

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Philippine Integrated Martial Arts Academy
Filipino-Tang Soo Do Association
Pagla-Um Sports Complex, Hernaez Street, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental,
Republic of the Philippines 6100
Email: [email protected]
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