Richard Patrick (Birthday: May 10) : frontman, lead singer, guitar, producer

1. Has two Abyssinian cats: Soda Pop and Pony Boy. Their Chicago studio is named after them.

2. He is originally from Cleveland, Ohio and his first recording is on an 8-track, made in his mother's basement.

3. He and Nine Inch Nail leader, Trent Reznor, were at one time friends, as Rich played guitar in the touring band. However, their friendship is now dead.
Geno Leonardo (October 26) : guitar, background vocals, programmer

1. He co-produced
TItle of Record and co-wrote "It's Gonna Kill Me", "Skinny", and "I Will Lead You", tasks Richard normally does alone.

2. Don't challenge Geno to a fight - he doesn't back down. Once, at a concert, he was hit in the face with a cup of beer, thrown by an audience member. He lept into the crowd, challenging the perpetrator to a fight. Needless to say, he never found out.
Frank Cavanaugh (April 9) : bass

1. Co-wrote "Cancer", along with Rich (who else?)

2. Pictures of Frank are differnt from the other members. They are always in black and usually have the number "13" in them, his favorite number.

3. Before Filter, Frank played in a band called Outface.

4. When he first met Rich, they nearly got in a fight because he insulted Rich for being a member of Nine Inch Nails. However, things turned out for the better.
Steve Gillis (July 2) : drums

1. Steve has often been considered to be the friendliest member of Filter, and is the first guy to sign autographs and talk to fans after the shows.

2. Taking over for Matt Walker, Steve joined during the recording for
Title of Record, but when he's not in the studio or on tour with the band, he preforms in Chicago's underground music scene.
Former Members:
Brian Liesegang: A founding member of Filter, he and Rich formed the band. Brian was responsible for the computerized sounds in Shortbus. Their strong friendship crumbled and Brian left the band, leaving bad karma. He now plays in the band Veruca Salt.

Matt Walker: An original member, he toured with the band. He won his spot in the band after he broke one of his drumsticks in the auditions, during the song "Dose", but still continued to play. After touring for
Shortbus, he left to play with the Smashing Pumpkins, and now plays in the Chicago band, The Cupcakes.
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Alan Bailey (?) : live guitar

1. He was a college roommate of Geno's/

2. He has been brought in to help "thicken" the live sounds of Filter.
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