Carlos~Hey coconuts!~ your nothing but a sweetheart to me, and i missing ya soo much now that your up there in the miss me??? hehe i know your so happy your not a knob anymore right?? lol me too. hey ill never forget that joe boxer commercial, with that guy dancing around like you. hehe i dont know but little things like that always remind me of you : ) you know i cant thank you enough for being the sweetheart you are. but we'll see what happens in the next 5-10 or so never know ;) mmwah XoOX missin ya
Alex~hey squirtel, *squirtel, squirtel* hehe you know your like a brother to me, and im glad that we have gotten closer. your a genuine person, and real. and jus like a brother we have our disagreements and arguments but that wont stop our friendship from growing. we already have had such fun and unforgettable memories and i hope they keep on comin. you know i feel like i can jus act myself around you and you do the same. and i can trust you and you trust me also. hopefully we'll stay close friends no matter what, keep smiling sweety :) mmwah luv ya
Vincent~hey vingo wassup?? hehe dont ever change a thing about yourself. thank you for always making me laugh you'll always have me as a friend and dont forget that. hehe tell your cousin mrs. clause said hi lol thanks for being a good friend. take care~~1   : )
Walter~(cocoapuff) i'm glad we've gotten to know each other alot better. whenever we hang out we always have fun and jus bug out. your a great person and i cant wait to get to know you even better and maybe something more will come out of this, ya never know. stay sweet ;) xox
Randy~You know you have such an interesting face!! lol wow we've been talking for a real long time now. and still never went thru with plans lol i know i know its my fault but thanks for being the sweet guy you are, your so nice to me, you deserve better than those girls that treat you wrong, jus keep on smiling sweety. and are you cutting down on those ciggs. like you promised me?????? i hope so u know you get me worried. like i said i'll be your ciggarette haha....jus put out tha damn cig.! lol  what else....well thanks for bein you hun. =) mwah
Diego~I can only pray and hope for things to get better for you in your life and your family. I know you're trying and your time will come when everything will seem like its in the right place. You know u can only get stronger and learn from your mistakes. Sometimes I'm not sure how you do it, pero you do your an incredible person. I'm always here for you, and i wanna thank you for being there for me too when i needed someone just to talk to. I know i will take the advice u have given to me and  pass it on to others. Gracias sweety for everything again. Know i'll always be here for you. God bless, ,muchos besos. Te quiero. Love you. mwah 
Sajeed~when  we had only been talked for a couple of weeks I felt like I 've known you much more than that. the first couple of minutes we talked we connected right away, i felt like i can tell you anything thats on my mind. and i trusted you with almost anything too., our long conversations at night and the weird ones too is dick happy doing? victorias secrets says hi! you were a real sweet person  =)your my bumblebee....but not anymore, that was the past~  Thanks for always putting a smile on my face, now your gone.....goodbye sajeed
Other Shoutouts~Fred, Joe, Anthony
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