Stephanie~(wigglytuff)We've been through our hard times, and I'm glad we are still friends, we're stuck 2gether forever now lol. we've had soooo many unforgettable memories. i dont know where 2 start. Well those long talks at night i'm glad we had talked about what we did. sitting on my roof lookin at the stars at like 3 in the mournin lol always making sure no one would catch us --sneaky-- lol makin our cookies/brownies espeically late at night can't forget about that. Did you get your TrIcKy up yet?? haha we addicted 2 tha game now, and virtual fighter. That night of your Birthday we was acting sooo wack lol we couldnt even breathe hardly we were laughin so much. Lookin back at all those letters---"Did you ever give my kiss to Bobby?? or you  give him a hug? Stef what are u goin to wear for the Pin Dance?...remember that night at Teen Center there was like NO1 there only me,  you, alanna, lauren, naresa, crystal, cystals cousin, melissa, but thats it!!" lol **sighs** (we're always doin that now) And the request: a kiss on the cheek or on the lips if its okay, and a hug...w/b w/b w/b or call me! lmao and they do not know how to spell haha that was soo funny. playin that fighting game @ your house w/ voldo that freak when we would make him do those moves lmao --we werent even fighting we were jus playin around w/ the fighters lol. we always have fun no matter what. and i wanna thank you for bein the person you are, i always know i could count on you for a good laugh and advice, you know i love ya so much. thanks for everythin. LOVE YA GRL. pr sistas, sexymamachikas ~Pika
Crystal~We had alot of fun times, we either act jus so stupid, but i know we definately can relate to alot of things, we're usually always on the same page, and thats what i like about you, lol and you know we always be making jokes about cheap *cough* u know who im talking about. but you know im always gonna b your friend no matter what, and u could trust me too lol and i always got ya back cause we are best friends for life like u said hahaha wont forget the fun times we had in the snow, posing for the camera like the beautiful models we are right crystal?? lol ...*burppppp* "whoooo" lol wont forget that ., ya hun xoxo bffl
Sarana~(clB*tch)I won't ever forget the good times we had back then, we were real close, but still are even though now that you livin in Brentwood now, i hardly see you grl! lol but its ok i still got love for you. The times at Teen Center were always fun, u know we always make those nights hott--~gettin our dance on, and the slut train lol. Your sweet 16 was soo nice. You know you'll be having a candle jus for you at mine.. I still always got your back if ANY1 is givin you problems gimme a call...i'll straighten em out for you. and im always here for you. dont you ever forget that, no distance between us will ever separate or stop our real friendship and love for each other Take care  love you always BFFL --clASS
Alanna~(SexyMamaChika)You now we can relate to alot of things, always on the same page, and we have alot of memories too...your a great person and I feel like we've been through a whole lot of ups and downs together, we always stood by each others side. And I want 2 thank you for sticking through those hard times with me, I'm not sure how I would have gotten thru without your support, and understanding, even though we seem to never get any classes together lol except for this year, now i feel like i get tired of seeing you all the time haha nah you know i'm jus kidding i know we'll stay good friends  and have many more great memories to comethanks again sweety 143 Xoxo bffl
Alisa~ heyy my asian grl lol im glad im blessed to have such a cool friend like you, its good to have someone that always strives for the same goals and works as hard as we do right?? lol no class is more funnier than our english class and spanish. haha in tha class we have fun no matter what. girl i have sooo many classes with you now. lol yea maybe one time i'll go to queens with you hehe, thanks for being understanding and jus bein the funny ass girl you are. hehe, 143 xoxo 1 bff
Naresa~We've been friends for a while now. And you've made me realize alot of things i overlooked. I'm thankful we've stayed friends even though i know at times we'll get into our fights our disagreements but in the end no matter what, i'll still be only a phone call away. stayin after school, trip to NYC, was fun. I hope things will only get better for the both of us, thru the hardships, you know im here for you. Be safe grl. 143 ~1~ love ya
Lauren (Sexy T)It's been since third grade since we known each other and we are still real close (infact one of my closest friends) That night we had our 1st sleepover was reall fun--jumpin on the trampoline jus goofin around. those times you came over we always thought we had plenty of time but ended up having none to get ready, that time in the car w/ Dominique "you have such baby soft skin" lmao that was soo funny i cant ever forget that. You know i'm always here for you without a doubt, and im glad to know u would do the same for me too. we'll definately have much more fun memories to come--u know how we do!! Thank you for everything ma. Love Ya *PR Sistas 4 EVER**~
Melissa~(Jelly)Well i know we are going thru our rough times, its been a while since we've even spent time together. I'll keep those past memories close to my heart because those memories i can't ever forget about--the good and the bad. Your a sweet girl and no matter what happens between you and you know who, always remember to keep your head high. and keep your hands at the side not crossed when your running haha j/k. I'm glad we have become better friends. Stay the sweet person you are. Take care xox ---Peanut Butta
Janie~Hey grl, we've known each other for a real long time now, since middle school. even though u dont go to school here no more, i'm glad we still keep in touch, and hang out. whenever we do we still have fun no matter what. and we should hang out more often. all fun times we had i wont forget especially during Halloween 2 years in a row haha. u a good friend, u cool and sweet--stay that way and keep smiling girl mwah love ya xoxo 143
Sameena~You a cool person and will always have my back. im always gon be here for u for whatever. wont forget those times during track lol it was real fun while it lasted. you never know maybe you will come on the team again later on lol well we'll see about tha. keep ya head high dont let no one bring your pride down, u know that.  love ya
Corina~Last but certaintly not least, my cousin, one of my best friends. your like a sister to me....the sister i never had. we've been thru sooo much. and u know me too well to not know a single thing about me. it makes me so happy to see u mature into such a beautiful young lady. haha enough of the mushy stuff, we had tons of fun throughout our years: those horrible floods down the long hill of our street that we had to walk thru to get to the school, playing tennis with the family,
hey Arabia, Sharline,  Crystina, Amanda, Gissel~thanks 4 everything i always got your back. besos*take care~god bless u-- 1
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