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Creator's Corner

I'm the creator of this lovely webpage. If there's anything you'd like to tell me, go to the contact page.

Now for my pets. I have 7 cats...and I used to have a dog....I also have a 13 year old sister, but I'm not going to put her on the "pets" page ;). Anyways, if you want to see some pictures of my pets, click here.

Family.....(isn't it interesting I put my pets before my family? *shrug*)..well I have one sister, 3 years younger than me. My dad's in the computer field and my mom's a pharmacist part-time. (Ha! Part time.. she only works EVERy day :P)

I live just north of Toronto, Canada. (And no it doesn't constantly snow here... and no, we don't ride dogsleds to work/school every day). I'm currently in grade 11, and spend most of my time on my computer. (Moi? A computer geek? Maybe :P) I speak three languages (not all of them I speak well though). English (obviously), French (I was in French Immersion for 9 years) and Spanish (THIS, I am not great at. This year is my second year taking Spanish so.....)

And for those of you who keep telling me to put a picture of myself on my webpage, NO! If you know me personally, you know what I look like. And if I think you're WORTHY of knowing what I look like, then I'll send you my pic.

I'd also like to share with all of you, my views on life. I think life is like a computer (go figure I'd relate it to a computer). Sometimes in life, you want to hit the Undo button, or hit the Ignore button, or the Invisible button (like on ICQ). But other times, you just want to hit Reboot, to restart all over again, or the Power button, to just turn it off for awhile.

Well, I'll get back to this section of my webpage later, I have other things to do!


My Details

Real Name: Jennifer L. S.

Stats: 16/f, strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, 5'6"

Date of Birth: December 9, 1983

Place of Birth: Toronto, Ontario

Current Residence: Aurora, Ontario

Nickname(s): Jen

Sign: Sagittarious <-- if that's even how you spell it...

Parents: Christine & Stephen

Siblings and ages: Shannon (13) and Shiloh (Chloe is her real name) (12) (Shiloh isn't actually my REAL sister......long story...)

School: The Country Day School, Grade: 11

Future School: When I figure it out, I'll let ya know

Best Friend(s): (Not necessarily my BEST friends, but just my friends) - Magz, Michelle, Neil, Alexa, Erica, Amber, Jill, Chris, the list goes on, I'm just too tired to list everyone right now.

Pets & their names: 5 cats -- Sandy, Spring, Crystal, Chips, and Elvis (Midnight) -- Puffy and Patches ran away.....*sniffle*

Job: Teaching kids to swim at GSA

Hobbies: Being on my computer (not literally), watching movies, listening to music, hang out with friends, etc. (Normal teenager stuff)

Best Advice Ever Given to You: [insert humorously cynical quote here]

Favorite Quotations: "Men are like a fine wine. They start out as grapes. It's our job to stomp them and keep them in the dark until they mature, and hopefully they'll turn out to be something we would like to have dinner with."

Words or Phrases You Over Use: "ok" "shrug" "I dunno"

A non-sport game at which you excell: Something computer related.....shrug

A non-sport game which you enjoy: Refer to the above

Game at which you suck: Every sport except basketball, swimming, and tennis -- pretty much.

Dream Car: At the moment, a black and silver mustang would be cool, or a Monte Carlo, or a Toyota Echo (black and silver of course), or a camero (silver) or that little car that I don't know the name of!!

Dream Vacation: Somewhere.. *nod*

Coolest experience in Life: When I have one I'll let you know

Favorite Thing to do in the Spring: Avoid school

Favorite Thing to do in the Summer: Hang out, movies! DVDs! Yay!!! uh, computers and stuff.

Favorite thing to do in the Fall: Avoid school

Favorite thing to do in the Winter: Avoid school

Little known talent that you possess: I... don't.. know...

Song that couldn't be improved upon: shrug

Song that was improved upon: shrug

Person(s) You Respect the Most: You want me to respect someone? I respect the all mighty Bob!!! GO BOB GO!! WOooo!! *waves banner around madly*

Special Awards You've won: *thinks*, shrug, a few

Character Traits You look most for in a Person of the opposite sex: How they relate to other people, their sense of humor, etc.

Pet Peeves: Friends who think they're perfect are very annoying to those of us who really are.

What Do you want to be: Human!!!...er....Something computer-related. Programming, engineering, software, etc.

Fave music: Almost anything

Songs you Enjoy: Many. Varies from day to day

Fave Color: Black, gray, silver

Fave Food: Varies

Least Fave food: shrug

Funniest People you know: All of my friends are funny in different ways

Fave sport to play: Swimming, basketball

Fave sport to watch: Depends who's playing ;)

Fave Toy: *blink*

Fave book: I'll have to get back to you on that

Fave Cartoon Characters: Freakazoid!

Favorite Actor/Actress: None. I prefer not to worship people I don't know -- or that I do know for that matter

Fave Movies: The Matrix, Austin Powers, Austin Powers II, Cruel Intentions, Double Jeopardy, Gossip

Fave Music Video: shrug

Fave Animal: Cats

Fave TV shows: Seinfeld, Frasier, 3rd Rock, That 70s Show.. others, can't think of them right now though

Fave Month: December, July-August

Fave Holiday: Christmas

Fave Part of the Newspaper: Newspaper? What is this concept of which you speak?

Fave Thing to Wear: Um, clothes?

Fave piece of clothing/jewelry: shrug, I'm fashion-challenged, I have to wear a school uniform every day ('cept weekends, of course)

First Word: moppy (no not really :P)

Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: Nope

Have You ever been convicted of a crime?: Nope

One pillow or two?: Two

Any Romantic Love Interests: --

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: --

Piercing or tattoos: Pierced ears

Favorite Pop Drink: Coke, Dr. Pepper

Favorite Cologne: shrug

Favorite Subjects in school: shrug, English? (Not this year though.. particularly..... if I took computers, that would be it)

Least Favorite Subject: Chem!

Favorite Daqueri Flavor: umm that one..you know......the ONE

Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Damn alcoholics

Favorite Part of the Opposite Sex: shrug

Have you ever been in love: --

Do you believe in love at first site: --

Do you believe in fate/destiny: Refer to the above

Most prized possession(s): My computer, Calvin, the death machine

Favorite Time of the Day: Any time that I'm at home. Favorite Day of the Week: Any day that I'm not at school

Favorite Cartoon/Disney Character: Freakazoid!!!

Favorite Authors: shrug

Worst Fear: SNAKES, damn things with no legs, thats just not right!.. or spiders, that many legs can't be healthy!

Favorite Historical Time Period: shrug

Favorite Boys Name: Bob

Favorite Girls Name: ummm Bob

How many kids do you want to have: 2-3

Favorite Flavor Of Gum: I don't chew gum on a regular basis.. so.....

Lessons I've learned...

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more fucked up than you think.

I've learned that you can keep puking long after you think you're finished.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place.

I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do.

I've learned that we don't have to ditch bad friends because their dysfunction makes us feel better about ourselves.

I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away.


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