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Is file sharing stealing

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This week the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) launched an ad campaign using the slogan “copying is stealing,” attempting to convey the message that digital copying is as serious and criminal as stealing a CD from a record shop or a DVD from a video shop.

So, is music (and video) piracy stealing? The short answer, as the MPAA and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) will be quick to tell you, is “yes.” Under current copyright legislation, downloading music for free is definitely theft under letter of the law. But is the law just and fair? That’s the operative question, and the long answer is more complex.

Two-thirds of Internet users who download music are unconcerned that they are violating copyright laws, while only 29 percent say they do care and 6 percent have no opinion on the issue according to a new Pew Internet and American Life Project survey released last Thursday. Not only that, the number of downloaders who say they don’t care about copyright has increased over the past year, from 61 percent to 67 percent. A slightly smaller percentage (65%) of respondents who share files online (music or video) say they don’t care whether the files they swap are copyrighted or not

Pew estimates that roughly 35 million American adults use file-sharing software, about 29 percent of Internet users, and that 26 million share files online. The survey notes:

“Young adults are the least likely to express concern about the copyrights of the files they share with others, with 82% of file-sharers aged 18-29 saying they don’t care much about the copyright status of the files they share. Those aged 30 to 64 are more likely to express concern about copyrights, with about 2 in 5 file-sharers in those age groups saying as much. Nevertheless, in each age group, a plurality if not an out right majority of each group say that they are unconcerned about the copyright of the files they share online.

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