The shining seal of Filamer Christian College is likened to a sun - ever consistent, ever dependable. Its rays signify the countless individuals who, throughout its glorious history, promoted the mission, vision, goals, and objectives for which the institution has been established. From the grassroots to the top-most level, blood and sweat were invested just to provide its students with a quality and holistic education.

The dove on descent symbolizes the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit that kept and led this humble institution through its darkest days. It shows how God keeps his promise of never leaving us nor forsaking us.

The silhouette of buildings on the right side symbolizes various structures which stood the test of time and were the silent witnesses to the faithfulness of the Almighty. A silhouette of the church on the left side emphasizes the need for fellowship among believers. Various programs and policies were instituted to promote such sound Christian concept.

The shadow of FCC, forming a 100 figure, characterizes the events that shaped its century-old history. Whenever there is a need to look for a basis for our decisions, we can always look at the shadows of the past. However beautiful or ugly those experiences were, they can provide wisdom to those who are eager to pursuit it.

The human figures, with their symbolic ways of showing their love for God, represent every Filamerian who has committed himself/herself to Christ and obey His commandments. His/her activities are always in conjunction with the will of God, giving God all the glory and honor in any endeavor. For all we know, we are nothing without God - Filamer Christian College is nothing without Christ.

God has been so faithful to Filamer Christian College for a century, and will continue to be faithful as long as the people that constitute it remain steadfast in their faith.

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