Let's get to know Ms. Fike...

I grew up and went to school in Marcellus. (It is about 40 min. west of Cazenovia.) I am the oldest of 5 kids. My sister Holly is going to school to be a nurse, Adam is in the Air Force, Corey is in 12th grade, and Lauren is in 8th grade.  Growing up I liked to play soccer and softball.  I always knew I wanted to be a teacher so I went to SUNY Oswego for college. 

I have taught 4th grade since 2002 in Cazenovia and I love it!  I also coach JV softball for Caz.  In my free time I like to ski, kayak, hike, go to the movies, travel to new places, and spend time with my family.

Some goals I have for the future are to become an author and travel to Europe.

Go to 2005 Softball Schedule


One of my current favorite movies is        I used to play rugby in college
Napoleon Dynamite.                                at SUNY


                                                                           Kicking a field goal.



 Trying to win possession of the ball in a line out.        My friends and I after a game.



Holly, Corey, Me, and Lauren Christmas Morning.


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