Greetings, welcome to my humble page. I don't have much up yet, but was planning on sharing some ideas about figure drawing for animation as well as other art related things. Anyhow feel free to take a look around or mail me.



- An interesting thought, "don't draw gesture, look for it".


- Great quote, "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right" -Henry Ford


- Well, I haven�t exactly updated for a while, but a couple of interesting things new with me, I met one of my animation hero's, Mike Nguyen(ex. Warner bro animator, currently working on his own feature film). He's a great guy, bought me dinner too! Yesterday I just saw one of the 2003 animated short Oscar nominees, Koji Yamamura. He was nominated for his short, Mt. Head, attractive and unique animated short. Gave me a signed sketch of his, pretty cool. Take a look


-Oh yeah forgot to mention I saw Bill Plympton at my school a couple of weeks ago.Although he�s not exactly my favorite animator I definitely see him in an entire light.I can respect him for all he�s been through and he definitely knows what corner of the animation market he�s in.Great guy, and saw his new film; Mutant Aliens, it actually kept me interested the entire movie, and has to be my favorite Plymptoon so far.��I took a picture with him, I�ll post it up one of these days.



-saw Bill Walsh from the SF 49er�s speak today, it was quite an experience and something I can take to my grave.


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