How it all was
The roof of the house when we bought it, with its cedar beams and tiles imported from Marseille on sail or steam ships in the late 19 th century.
The walls were 50 cm thick, made of stone. The mortar had washed away in quite a few places, and we were told by our architect that we would have to render the whole house because of planning regulation. this was not true, and I regret somehow today the old stone walls now hidden behind the ciment.
The fireplaces were fantastic, and probably played a big role in our descision to purchase the house.

There was also a peaceful charm the we did our best to keep
There was almost nothing left of the middle floor; the house had obviously been used to keep cattle in.
The regulat holes in the outside wall were there to insert beams in that in turn would support building scaffoldings (bellow right).
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