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Though the tragic fact of Israeli Victims speak loudly, and 'Palestinian' Arab Muslim Violence bloody facts, wouldn't need much convincing.
Nevertheless, the major support Israel has is in the US.
Europe for the most part is very anti Israel, Reasons?

1) The 'conscience over WW2' complex, among other motives for their support anti Israelism, be pro-palestinianism, [though they find fertile ground for their hate path, via portraying the 'palestinian' Arabs as "victims"], or any other form, their goal of 'tarnishing the Jews' as some diabolical "vindication" for European WW2 crimes, is a real phenomenon.

2) The massive Islamo Arab immigration into the EU, has caused two effects, hate propaganda against Israel, and the urgent need for Europeans for calm, seeing appeasing Arab Muslims as the "solution."

3) The Anti Americanism, especially at/post Iraq Operation, seeing the US as a monstrous power, the 'menace' and threatening entity to the growing European Power Competition, and Israel is seen by many as Uncle Sam's 'Puppet' in the Middle East.

Fighting bias is a huge necessity, and of very great importance. The Euro Front!

Will a Larget EU be more Fair?

Davids Medienkritik


EU Funding

The BBC Report

More on EU's Blood Money

Melanie Phillips

Likud of Holland (middle east conflict and peace process, terror and terrorism,)

Anti Israel Monopoly in the UK

Quetionnaire To Some Europeans

European Media and Anti-Israel Bias

What Media Bias? (Bret Stephens) (April '04)

In the Media

Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in the European Union - Austria Commissioned by the E.U. Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia, DISCLAIMER: This report was not released by the European Union, presumably because it points out significant Muslim involvement in European anti-Semitism.

EuroOpportunists (2002-2003)

[European] Media Bias... (2002)

European Bias (July '02)


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