U.N. "special" rapporteur

Subj: Miloon Kothari 
Date: 6/25/2004 9:00:54 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: D & A.
To: [email protected], [email protected]

<<<Miloon Kothari, U.N. special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, said the statement was provoked by the worsening situation in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"In the last week alone there have been extrajudicial executions, Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli troops, confiscation of agricultural lands, demolition of homes has continued in Gaza and construction of the annexation wall has continued," he told a news conference

Aren't you the same "special-rapporteur" who accused Israel of a "massacre" in Jenin, which turned out to be a blatant lie?
Why should anyone believe a word you say?
When you're ready to hold Yasser Arafat and his scumbag terrorists to the same accountability to which you hold Israel, then you can reopen that sanctimonious "denouncements" of yours.
Reasonable people know that if most Arabs would at least accept the existence of Israel within ANY BORDERS, Israel wouldn't have to take action (both preemptive and retaliatory) against the MURDERERS of innocents you and your crooked 'United Nations' [http://www.unitednothing.org] support!
No weapons smuggling tunnels = no house demolitions! DUH!
Have you written to Mubarak about that yet???
Well, Guess what!
In No way, will Israeli victims take YOUR DANGEROUS 'advice' on what force to use or not to when defending lives!!!

Well, you are "special" alright.

Israel's Extreme Restraint


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