Re: Israel Resource Review -- 12th September, 2003 -- Newsletter about Israel,Palestinians,the Middle East,Jerusalem,Gaza,Sharon,. 

To: [email protected]


Dear Honor. Mr. Kaare Kristiansen!

At a time that so many are blinded by 'palestinian' vicious propaganda smearing campaign, portraying Crimes as "freedom fighting," portraying survival of babies "occupation."

At a time that so many are blinded by radical Islamo Arab oil lobby in UN & EU Goliath monstrous occupation & hijacking.

At a time that so many, especially in Europe are complacent to the 'New Anti-Semitism' maskerd under "pity for palestinians" lie.

At a time that there were massive demonstration in Europe to (oh no) not harm Butcher Dictator mass murderer: Saddam Hussein & his thugs, but not one single demonstration against THE WAR ON BABIES by 'Palestinian' Leaders Butchers.

At such a 'low' time You Mr. Kaare Kristiansen, you choose to uplift yourself, you have found in your eyes the clear view for what's being obliterate, what's  so right & what's so wrong, what's false hate motivated demagogy & what's real justice, you found in your great heart the human love for the honestly innocent, real compassion for the real victims.

Stand tall Mr. Kristiansen, you remind us of the beautiful Norwegian Royal heroes at another dark age:

With deep respect,



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