Syrian Arab Racism, Where's World Outcry?

Kurds at Racist Brutal Syrian-Arab Regime

While Kurds are a real SEPARATED Culture, Language and Nation from Arabs, being persecuted by them in REAL Ethnic cleansing, Nevertheless no freedom has been granted by the BIAS UN.

But "palestinian" Arabs that are, Well, Arabs, as are Israeli Arabs, no difference between Arabs living in a Village in the Galilee (those that would prefer --no wonder-- to continue their Israeli Democratic Citizenship), and Arabs that live in Jenin (that want a Judenrein-Ethnic Cleansed 'Palestine'). Despite this very well known fact, they are being considered, and many push down the throats that "one more Arab State," Many in Israel sacrifice for that for their assumption that it MIGHT bring SOME peace.

Now, here's the UN and much of Euro media Hypocrisy:

It seems that if you don't blow up babies, or mass murder other crowded civilians, nothing is done.

"Thanks" for 'palestinian' vicious thugs, being rewarded.

"Sorry" for Kurds being peaceful (as of yet...).
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