David Hirst | The Zionist-colonial enterprise has always had a built-in propensity to gravitate towards its most extreme expression.
Pursuing the Millennium

Letters to the Editor
The Nation

Pursuing the Millennium
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
by David Hirst Pursuing the Millennium

Written to the editor:

The Nation

Re: Hirst-Millenium & the myth about "Jewish Fundamentalism"


The NON Exist 'extreme' Israeli

Pause... & now a turn to a HYPOTHETIC NON existent "extreme" Pro-Israeli...(trying to "borrow" from the Arab Muslim model).

Some Arab propagandists use the term: "extreme" pro Israel, or Zionists "extremists"...
Or in the media we see so often those "moderates" talking about "extremists" on both sides...
Well, Here's an imaginative character, (though I do not know any one like that, but) to "satisfy" that URGE for such an imagination.
So here it goes, the "extreme" Israeli would say:

Campaign to kill all Arabs around the globe.

Chasing kids (not just buildings, Rubin's SUPPOSEDLY "plots") in their beds (even though they do not throw burning Molotov cocktail upon faces or serve as human shields for "big brothers" SNIPERS).

While shooting down ANY Arab living on earth, defining him/her self as "freedom fighting" of course, against the Arab OCCUPATION of It's land.

Using Koran teaching to justify it's "revenge" on Arab Muslim babies.

Collaborating with KKK & other Nazi organizations to "learn" & follow how to exterminate the BROWN Arabs.


It really frightens me that "character," but I'm happy there's no such!
Vs. EXISTENT Dangerous: Al Qaeda/Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Fatah-"Gunmen" OPEN, REAL, LIVE
(live < until their: 'Alla Akhbar' suicide-homicide-genocide...mission) FRIGHTENING TO DEATH! CHARACTERS.


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