Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 05:34:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: YOUR (Not only TV's) BIAS on Victim Israel!
To: [email protected]

Jesse <[email protected]> wrote:

<<<I happen to have family on both sides over there. Lots of family. My cousins were involved in the Rabin peace process and were guest at the signing. I have cousins who were involved in stating the first school for both Arab and Israeli high school students. I know more about what goes on behind the scenes than you can imagine.>>>

I happened to have too, with ARAB Friends as well. Your point?

<<<What exactly did I present on my site that is factually incorrect? Other than your opinion, you may want to provide information when you complain about something.>>>

[Let me repeat,] 1) The very fact of linking to 'stop aid to Israel' and not 'EU and US stop aid to Palestinians', for a start!

2) The 'banner-image' of 'How many Palestinians are killed Vs how many Israelis, as I said, as it is PROVEN, That most 'Palestinians' dead were/are COMBATANTS, Vs Israeli MOSTLY Non Combatants.

Nowhere do I approve of the tactics used by the Palestinian militants, but there is a real situation that requires real Response. The fact is that violence begets violence. >>>

You mean Terror begets curfew?
State sponsored or militant group sponsored.  Collective punishment>>>

What on earth is that?
Would Israelis really behave in "collective" punishment they'd just kill randomly!

<<< is an international crime. This week alone 100 Palestinians became homeless thanks to the Israelis.>>>

Like the 'Jenin' Lie NUMBERS?
What are YOUR Sources?

<<<Today they were bulldozing more homes.>>>
Of whom?
Of "innocent" Arabs?

<<<Real question�what do you think the result of these actions will be? Peace? Calm? Or more radical terrorism? >>>

Less mass murderers!
Especially if wrong minded like you (mind you) will stop giving these mass murders moral support!

<<<Not only is the Israeli response reprehensible but it is a proven failure. >>>

If you'd really care about "failure"=Israeli babies lives you'd write a WORD about them in your ONE SIDED Slander site!

<<<It seems as if they want the violence to continue. >>>

No, you don't think so!

<<<Simple. When their rezones make the situation worse they simply increase the responses. This is illogical and obviously counter productive. Any way you look at it the Israeli government is preventing peace. Period, end of sentence.>>>

<<<Keep in mind that there were people there who owned land prior to Israel becoming a state.>>>

What "land"?
It is about HATE Education against Non Arab-Muslims there, Wake up!
Nick Berg and his father that (probably) thought like you do, did NOT have an escape from these guys!

<<<Those people were robbed and pushed off of their land. >>>

Who's land?
That of the British?
Of the Turk's?
Of the Israelites?

<<<That, my friend is a fact. There is a very clear class system over there. Even Jewish people are subject to it based on their national origin. What Israel stands for and hoe they actually run their nation are two different things altogether.>>>

I agree that Israel is not fair ... when it comes to treating  many Jews, they prefer Arabs' rights. As to "systems", yes the Judenrien'-palestine, and anti Christian System of the 'Palestinian' leadership, anti free press, and an iron brutal boot, <

<<<If you looked at the bottom of the Israel Unreported page you will find many links to Jewish organizations that feel the same way.>>>

Oh yes!
I'm aware of Over the limit Jewish Guilt even when being right.
I, For instance do not brag on every occasion what my background is.
But more importanly, Where's any equivelant group on [your] the 'palestinian' side?
No where to be found!

<<<Learn to communicate. >>>

I hope YOU hear what you just said (and humility is also a virtue, thank you very much)!
And learn to see the truth, Do Not fool youself, more important!
Learn to seek the real peace, and real humanity, not ugly silly politics!


In case you are not aware on who's guilty of 'palestinian' Kids..

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: YOUR (Not only TV's) BIAS on Victim Israel!

Re: YOUR (Not only TV's) BIAS on Victim Israel!

What do we have here, another defamer of Israeli Government?
Excuse them for chasing down Mass Murders Butchers aiming at Babies?

I can't believe you BOUGHT the IslamoArabFacsistic slogan "apartheid" on a GOVT., That has Arab 'NICE' representation in it.

What 'constitutes' the Horrific Defamation: "sharon-govt-apartheid"?
Is it maybe that Israel is desperate to shield itself from Genocide?

Or for it's pluralistic Humanistic Society that accept EVERYONE WHAT THEY ARE, that Arab Muslim militants USE to take advantage of, and mingle with Israelis and BOMB them?

Well, excuse Israelis for breathing!

At your HATE Link on 'UnReportingIsrael' where you've linked the incitement of "stopping aid" link, you fail to see and to note that:

Most Arab 'Palestinians' killed are/were COMBATANTS, Vs. Innocent Israelis mostly NON COMBATANTS.

------------end of email------------


Detect them in their "peace" Lines

Oh, Those 'Peace' Sites


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