[ The EU's relations with Syria - Overview ]

A Triumph For Free Trade� In Rhetoric Could the EC�s most recent agreement with Syria lead to more coalition troops dying in ...

The EC is 'considering' (Feb-2004)� a deal with the "new Syria"...

Now tell me guys Who the Goliath really is?
You see the bigger picture?

It's not that "lobby" myth, but the REAL OIL LOBBY!

It is not Israeli tank VS Child, it is GENOCIDE BOMBER VS Baby.

Islamo Arab OIL in UN Vs little Israel.

Islamo Arab GOLIATH 'BIG-BUCKS' Market (Hey EC, Is it plain about Money?) VS Tiny Israel.

It is ISLAMO ARAB Banging Well Oiled Propaganda covering up ALL Arab Leaders' Crimes (including Syrian Brutality), but invents, lies, edits, exaggerates if "David" Israel dares try to BREATH!

"palestinians" = LIES!


It is astonishing how the EC could show such apathy for this BLOODY VICIOUS monstrous regime.

They do not confront any Terrorists' threatening their babies (as Israel does everyday), but they are the REAL RACIST OCCUPIERS in the Middle east, and no one dares even mentions that.

Are Christian Arab Lebanese human enough to be considered victims?
Do you have to be an actor like "Palestinian" Arabs as "poor victims" put up a 'whining' show, in front of international cameras, otherwise nothing is done in our world today?

Enough for the hypocrisy, Expose Syrian Butchers of (Hamah massacre, and in Lebanon, Damour & more, roughly around 300,000 Christian victims in Syrian/palestinian violent hands) at once!

The EC is 'considering' (Feb-2004)� a deal with the "new Syria"...

What is this "new Syria"?
Oh, you mean it's "new" because instead of it's decades-long plan to annihilate the Jews on the battlefield, it now prefers mass-murder Palestinian bombers do it for them on busses full of Jews?

It was always the case, that Arab Leaders have 'others to do their dirty job' ... they kick so racially Arab On Arab Crime, the 'Palestinian' Arabs everywhere they are in the Cruel Vast ArabLand, [How many know of the 10-20,000 Arab 'palestinian' 'demonstrators' massacred in ... just one (about) 24 hours in Syria/Jordan for example?] but dump them on Israel.

The same as THEY'VE started this whole mess, as in 1948 chasing them out, with promises that 'They're going to defeat the Zionists...'

While Egyptian & Jordanian Arabs have at least 'peace' officially on a paper, Syria is the major force of today's Objectors even against this tiny-minimal recognition on the non Arab minority in the middle east, Excuse them for living?

You see? like this, they could continue their atrocities on their own population, in shifting their population's daily frustration on their leaders, towards their scapegoat: Israel, (How do you figure could have Butcher Saddam go on for so long, for instance?).

Take a good look at bloody Monstrous Syria, See their Hypocritical ways, and understand, How ARAB WORLD WORKS & Why they'll do anything to torpedo peace for their "brothers."


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