A malicious tarnishing campaign in a "benevolent" UN mask (March-2004)

A malicious tarnishing campaign in a "benevolent" UN mask

Again the underlining hinting of "bad guy", in their  "warning/accusations"

And in the same breath:
Demanding Ever More From Better Israel!

INTERVIEW-Israel urged not to raze Gaza buildings in pullout
By Cynthia Johnston
GAZA, March 10 (Reuters) - A senior U.N. official appealed to Israel not to carry out a scorched-earth policy if it pulls out of Gaza and urged it to build economic ties to help Palestinians instead.  Peter Hansen, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, said that if Jewish settlements in Gaza were left intact rather than bulldozed, it would be an immediate benefit to suffering Palestinians.
"If all the Palestinians would find on their land after Israeli withdrawal would be smouldering ruins in the settlements, I don't think they would be particularly enamoured by that," Hansen told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.
TOUGH CRAP....LET THEM BUILD THEIR OWN SETTLEMENTS...THEY WHO BLEW UP ISRAELI HOMES AND PEOPLE DON'T NEED HOUSING PROVIDED BY ISRAEL. WHERE'S UN FUNDING WHEN IT COMES TO ARAB NON TERROR 'PROJECTS'???   under a unilateral separation plan to be carried out if peace talks fail, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has said he plans to uproot 7,500 Israelis living in Gaza settlements scattered among 1.3 million Palestinians.


Meet Peter Hansen

First let's get acquainted with 'Peter Hansen', an "honest" UN worker?
Not the slightest, rather Peter Hansen as in:
Terrorist Organizations in the Palestinian Territories use UNRWA Officials and Facilities [http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/bu/dec/htm/dec_07.htm].

As in the long bloody record of twisting around facts.
As in the long history of intentional falsification of events, the 'bulk of material' used by 'Palestinian' Lying machine to 'back up' their incitement.

The issue of "evacuating"

Not a word of sheer high respect of the Israeli Govt. announcement itself of evacuating it's historic indigenous places for peace sake.
Not a word of the "pure" ethnic cleansing of Jews from their land, pressed by "humanitarian" UN.
Taking it so easy as "understandable" and just moving on... DEMANDING MORE FROM THE ALWAYS GOOD GUY: Israel.

Subject: "Humanitarian"

Whatever happened to the daily UN menu Of "accusing Israel, Blaming Israel, Condemning Israel"?
Israel is expected to be the good guy [again] ? All of a sudden? Of course the UN representative would not utter a word about the real daily humanitarian efforts IDF - Humanitarian Soldiers [http://www.israelnewsagency.com/idfhumanitarianisrael1007.html] it sacrifices, on the very murderers' population that seeks to ethnic cleanse all NON Arab Muslims.

Steal Israel's cake and eat it too?

We are aware that the UN recognizes that Israel is far better, that's exactly why they have the 'guts' and nerve to demand more and more at Israel's most painful concession in giving up it's historical; areas plus it's highly of life-saving importance as: buffer zones.

"A senior U.N. official appealed"...
Humanitarian Israel appeals to UN to start treating her as highly as she deserves!

Update on the always- Humanitarian Israel:

Sure enough: Wired News | Israel Says Won't Raze Gaza Settlements in Pullout


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