Many read Noam Chomsky, either Arabists Paid/UnPaid propagandists, or any lefty that runs "dry", sleepless looking for such crap to quell that thirst of Bashing little Israel, or US defense.

I usually do not spend time on these type of "columnists", not only are they so full of garbage-logic, but so transparent too. But this does not give these Chomskys any right to escape once in a while an exposure, so when someone emailed me a recent post of his, I just took out RANDOMNLY (between sipping my coffee and doing ten other things) one tiny paragraph, revealing it, and you judge the rest of his waste-of-time "work".

By NOAM CHOMSKY [email protected] Published: February 23, 2004 Few would question Israel's right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks like the one yesterday, even to build a security wall if that were an appropriate means. It is also clear where such a wall would be built if security were the guiding concern: inside Israel, within the internationally recognized border, the Green Line established after the 1948-49 war. The wall could then be as forbidding as the authorities chose: patrolled by the army on both sides, heavily mined, impenetrable. Such a wall would maximize security, and there would be no international protest or violation of international law.
Few would question Israel's right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks like the one yesterday,

Is that a bad thing? Are you trying to patronize anyone?

This line is also typical of the apologists for any Jihad murder like 9/11 etc. "I condemn but, but..."
As if these irresponsible crimes-apologists are trying to give us a "candy", No, Thanks!

even to build a security wall if that were an appropriate means.

Hold it right there!
With that "if" of yours, you are saying they can not attempt to survive?

It is also

What "also"?
You have not said anything yet!

clear where such a wall would be built if security were the guiding concern:

This is in no way an: "also", this the gimmick put up by the Arabists switching the life saving issue into "land" things, old tricks, BTW. But this "also" of yours is so typical of those Chomskys, that write nothing, a big empty ballon , and "doubling" it...

inside Israel, within the internationally recognized border, the Green Line established after the 1948-49 war.

Hey hey, Whom are you preaching the 1948 borders to? To the mass murderers of yesterday-today that want it all?

The wall could then be as forbidding as the authorities chose: patrolled by the army on both sides,

Poor Noam! I know that you run into passion with your: "Everything contrary is OK to print...", GOTCHA! I am no "writer" but Would it not be appropriate here the "armies" plural?

You know what?
On a second thought, I will give it to you, for in reality there is no plural armies there...

So, What�"armies" on the other side were you referring to?
That of Butcher Arafat's "legitimate" TERRORISTS "army" involved in: Drive by shootings on packed markets, or other terror massacres on innocent civilians [like slaughtering kids in the lefty Kibbutz 'Netzer', etc.],
(or the so called "moderate" 'palestinian' leaders) or rather Butcher Arafat's OTHER puppet-s' army that "explain" so 'gently' to the "disciplined" International Press... on their reluctance of going against Hamas/Islamic Jihad, for 'What the world would think on internal fighting of the PLO...' [But lynching own "brothers" for suspecting to be collaborating with Israeli Security Police, is OK to be conducted in it's traditional heinous Criminal fashion....]

Anyway, getting back to the "logic" of yours:

heavily mined,

Oh no!
Where is your humane "heart"? "apartheid" would be null relative to the "cry" of the "inhumane" Israel... on those "poor" terrorists.

impenetrable. Such a wall would maximize security, and there would be no international protest

Not true, there would always be something new against survival of innocent Israelis.

or violation of international law.

Noam! You know better what "excuses" the Arabs used when attacking Israeli kids right after the 1948 border that you are so "confident" about. What "land" was there the "international protest" about?

But I would like to show you how YOU Noam are so wrong. If the "land" cry-wolf would be really "appropriate" they would cry that right at the beginning of the shield set up, not after months of being already confronted with the fenc-fact, inventing plans of: How to protest the fence that would ruin the murder plans and siege on Israeli kids, Either in a "humane" or a DIS-Humane tarnishing way, in the international press & Court, after long 'hardworking' months, the IDEA of "olives & other land" accesories came out hat-fresh prepared in the palestinian never ceasing Industry of Propaganda, "ready" for an "offensive".

And tomorrow this 'exemplary' writing will be repeated hundreds of times by all the "palestinian" and other Arabists propagandists, without even checking the content...

It will be circulated around among all the different-titles-same-destiny groups, copied and pasted, fast swallowed pre digestion, in their run after anything that agrees with their destructive message
[What else is there in those groups? nothing about real humane help, even on their own people, though they might "say" it in covering their only agenda: Tarnishing little Israel's struggling Survival.]

If? You were saying?

If Noam?! If you would be really honest about the events, than you would --at least-- shut up!


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