On Sep/29/03 (14:00 PT USA) CNN Had a program -- at the "Insight" section -- on the effect on the children in the Mideast "conflict."
We saw the "Palestinian" children mocking their exact adult made-up words like: "We have a right -- just like any other kid -- to go to school"... That child had repeated it about three times, with the exact version ... and the other kids right away copy-catted the same bogus words.
The program that was supposed to be on psychological effects on the child, which we saw the objective pure on the subject regarding Israeli kids, 42% effected by the trauma of Arab violence on innocent civilians, was not addressed when the Arab (Palestinian) side was shown, all they could talk about was 'politics' the lies that clearly have been fed into their young minds.
Who does not let "Palestinian" Arab kids go to school, a new vicious libel?
We all saw who's the boss there, especially exposed lately: Butcher Arafat, that billionaire has managed to organize "spontaneous" marches for his filthy ego, Where/How did all these kids came from if "Israelis" have any hold on "Palestinian" kids?
The so called: Arab "Palestinian" Counseling Center's Siham Rashid has replied to Mr. Jonathan Mann's obvious question (the world's question) about Arab "Palestinian" kids hating & acting violently for being indoctrinated, Siham answered a most silly reply: "I truly believe that hate cannot be taught..."
We never heard such a silly lie about this subject of hate & violence.
Shall we talk about the documented horrific guilty 'Palestinian' Arab Parents/Taeachers?
Shall we bring up the famous 'Palestinian' evil textbooks?
Shall we mention the horror of 'Palestinian' Child Abuse?
Arab "Palestinian" need not only different parenthood & "schooling," but counseling after this vicious cult of glorifying & pushing cold-blood-murdering of innocent civilians, in the name/excuse of "resistance."
[Incidentally, Mrs. Faluna Sweeney should not have uttered the words:  "Palestinian resistance," this bogus word has no place at reporting, if you want to "explain" their EXCUSES, you could only say that Arab Muslim "Palestinians" SAY (!!!) that their murderers crimes are a "resistance" (to BABIES?).]


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