CNN's interviewing/quoting Hate-Paper 'Al Hayat' (Oct/07/03)

CNN Has lately quoted too many 'quotes' from the terrible notorious Al Hayat, even interviewing it's editor post Israeli strike on Islamic Jihad Training Weapon "civilian" Camp in Syria, the Editor said:
"It is Israel's arrogance..."
"People in the region... feel the conspiracy theories..."
Now, Who makes these theories if not Media/Paper like Al Hayat, of course they'll 'say' that they 'merely' write what people say ... the chicken before the egg? Does the Arab "street" draw these ugly hate cartoons in the Al Hayat?
Or quoting from there latest Syrian "brave-declarations" on it.
How laughable is it that the editor of this notorious Hate Paper says "anything" ... but the surprise is on CNN, Why give them a podium?
What do their notorious venomous cartoons to do with 'Real-politics'?
Suborning Martyrdom
anti-Semitism Worldwide 2002/3 - UK
anti-Semitic Cartoon
Hate in the Middle East Media
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