Mechanical Team:
Ben  & Tim
Fighting Dragons:
Group Biographies
Electrical Team: Phil & Deidre
Even though Ben is getting over "MONO," Ben always goes the distance. He's not afraid of a little hard work and is always up for a challenge! When Ben is not slaving away at the Rover he can be found strumming on his guitar.
When Phil is not working on the Rover, You are most likely to find him somewhere at the high school playing football, basketball, baseball or "mackin'" on the ladies! Phil describes himself as a "Go to, kind of guy."
Watch out Hockey Fans, this sharp shooter is going to bring our Rover team all the way! As of now, Tim is battling a bad case of senioritis but he pulls through for the fighting dragons! When he is not working on the Rover, he can be most readily found with his girlfriend Alex.

Make way for Deidre when she steps on the dance floor! When she is not working on the Rover, she is either reading Cosmo, is at the mall, or working out! Right now, Deidre is  recuperating from getting her tonsils removed. Even still, she is quite the Diva!
(Note: Deidre is not picking her nose in this picture...she is merely deep in thought.)
Mechanical Team:
Ben & Tim
Leader: Allie
When Allie is not stressed out by chasing after her rover team mates she can be found playing volleyball, doing other school work or babysitting.
Oh, what a life!
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