Thoughts on autism...
Those of us who fight autism often feel like the man standing on the ancient ruins, so insignificant against something so overwhelming. During this past year God has blessed me with some words to express my family's emotion. My desire is to share them with others as a means to comfort and validate the extreme, deeply personal anguish we feel.
November 13, 2001

Where have you gone, my sweet little baby?
Where is your voice, singing like a nightingale?
Where are your words, the secrets to your soul?
Where is your smile, soothing my broken heart?
Where is your laugh, wind chimes to my life?
Where is your mind, adrift from the shore?
Where are you, my precious angel?

I shall seek you with all my might and all my strength.
I shall find your voice, and hear it sing melodies.
I shall attend to your words, I shall know your soul.
I shall garner your smile, it will restore my heart
I shall delight in your laugh, my flesh will be satisfied.
I shall find your mind, it will return to my embrace.
I shall have my child, entirely and absolute.

December 14, 2001

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Mamma was in the kitchen stirring with flour on her blouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney haphazard
For the kids kept pulling them down and the were looking haggard

Daddy was sitting scared in the den
For Mamma was at it with gluten-free cooking again
The flours were spread across the kitchen in a mess
Rice, tapioca, and guava covered Mamma's face of stress

The kids they werew huddled under Daddy's favorite chair
For they knew any second they would hear the sould they simply could not bare
It was the same in homes all across the land
Gluten-free mothers cooking Christmas dishes planned

But along with the cooking the kids would all know it well
That smell of burning and smoldering, the sound of ringing bells
Yes, they were certain the smoke detector soon would be ringing
Then the fire department would follow, water hoses they'll be bringing

But somehow this Christmas a miracle did occur
The food somehow survived, yes it's quite good as the family concurs
Another Christmas was found to be as fun as it could be
Even through the changes of becoming gluten-free!

December 13, 2001

She went into the room so very long ago
It's a dark room there, no windows, no carpet or furniture
How I begged her not to go, I held on so tightly to her hands
Yet it was stronger than I, it took her inside and slammed the door
I banged and banged, I yelled and pleaded
I flailed against the door, yet it would never budge

I forgot what she looked like, the beauty of her smile
I longed for her sapphire eyes, how I needed to lose myself in them
I needed her voice, my heart searched the silence for familiar sounds in which I so yearned
I tried breaking the door, I hit it with fists and kicked with feet
I grabbed all the tools I could find, yet the proved but splinters to the door

I, finally exhausted, could fight no more
I laid down at the threshold, for I could not leave
Rescue her maybe I never could, but leave her, forget it
I shall die at this door, if it never opens I shall waste with her
No, I cannot walk away, for behind this door lies my Love

Then one day, when all was quiet I heard a sound, I felt air
I looked up from the floor to see the door was cracking, it was opening ever so slow
I pushed with my hand, gently at first, then I could see if I pushed a little more...
The door, it was opening, it was opening wide!
I looked into the dark, tiny room
And there, in the corner, was my Love, my hidden doe

She stood up from her cold, dark corner
She looked at me -- not through me but AT me
She smiled her cherished smile
She held out her hand
I lept for her body, afraid the opportunity would be gone
I had her in my arms, I turned and we fled
I took her into the sunshine, oh how her beauty had grown
She was so much older, she had grown from when she left
The heat of The Sunshine, how it warmed her cold skin
Yes, she is here again, her laughter it fills my soul
Her voice in filling my inside with melody
Her body was so warm and full ofe embraced love
Her mind, I have ever so much more!

October 1, 2001

Father, I beg You, what can I do
To somehow stop this roller coaster ride of blue?
I can't take much more, I need You to stop now
Bring back my sanity, Father please, I just don't know how
One day she's up, the next she's back down
Lord why does my life hang by her smiles and her frowns?
Father, I'm her mommy, I can't make my love for her stop
Lord, I seek You, I proclaim You to all, as my tears continue to drop
Father, I feel like an ant in a large desert's sand
Or a lost little child seeking desperately for a familiar hand
I hear the whispers to stand still as the familiar ground around me crumbles
But how do I stand when the last earth quickens beneath me?
If You would ONLY heal her, lift the blanket of illness from her precious body
My tears, yes my tears, You must feel them like a river
As I bring my precious and lay her at Your Presence
Her hair and mine, together surround Your feet
Here we shall rest mother and daughter

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