According to the opinion of most political analysts, senior politicians and some pioneer 8-8-88 dissidents, Burma’s political deadlock as existing today will unravel only when the UNSC (United Nations Security Council) and the international community intervene. They also point out that (since Burma differs from other countries’ situation) All Walks life of Burmese must rise again like 8-8-88 uprising so that the United Nations and people of Myanmar together make substantial and profound action to uproot the reigning military dictatorship system and establish a democratic and representative rule in Burma. 


As per publicized CRPP (Committee Representing People’s Parliament) statement dated September 30, 2005, please click here and the NLD (National League for Democracy) statement dated October 28, 2005, please click here, the Burmese opposition alliances have urged the UNSC, the SPDC (State Peace and Development Council) and the international community cooperate and work together in order to alleviate the sufferings and improve the lives of the lot in Burma. Since their takeover of the country the ruling generals have never shown any interest to enhance the lives of the people, much less resolve the problems prevailing in Burma. They are only occupied with abusing the dissidents, who showed their displeasure on them for lack of integrity, purpose and credibility in running the country, and obvious desire to hold onto power.


History has testified to the fact that international intervention - the UNSC has intervened in wars on Yugoslavia (Bosnia), Afghanistan, Cambodia, East Timor, Iraq, and Haiti – has concluded conflicts in chaotic countries and Burma certainly should not be an exception, as it is deserving of an equal and like opportunity at this very moment, with the generals in Burma exercising gross human rights abuses and committing other heinous criminal acts as publicized worldwide.


The United States, the United Kingdom and their allies are spending billions of dollars for the freedom of the Iraqi people today. The cause of Burmese freedom, indeed a just cause and warranting immediate and profound international intervention as given today, would be less risky and costly and could be achieved in a short time. As a result, their substantial action in Burma’s strive for freedom and democracy, much needed at present and if given promptly at this hour, would certainly command the immense appreciation and gratitude of 50 million plus Burmese people, and all peoples on this earth who love freedom, justice and democracy. After all, the United Nations Charter guarantees freedom, democracy and happiness of all peoples on this earth.


We are Burmese dissidents since the nationwide uprisings of Burma on August 8, 1988. We are very well aware of the mentality of the Burmese people, ethnic groups and members of the military regime in Burma. Today, the majority of the Burmese people are reluctant to defy or oppose the brutal regime in Burma, as per their experiences gained during the nationwide uprisings in 1988, where tens of thousands of people were brutally gunned down by the soldiers of the present ruling military regime in Burma then dubbed the SLORC (State Law and Order Restoration Council) within days. As a result, they believe that only armed resistance is the only answer to topple the murdering military regime in Burma. Hence we left for the Burma-Thailand borders in 1988 in our bid to overthrow the Burmese military regime by taking up armed struggle. Having no substantial backing and assistance from the world community, and largely due to Thailand’s exercising of an acquiescing policy on the ruling regime in Burma for its self-interests only and stifling of our armed resistance on the brutal military regime in Burma on the one hand, we have no choice other than to revert to non-violence. In the midst of the nationwide uprisings in 1988, the Burmese people have hoped for a substantial intervention on the part of the US and its allies, supported by the UN. They have anticipated and counted on the international community to stand by them and render profound help in their bid for freedom, justice and democracy. People of all walks of life went out on the streets and participated in the rallies against authoritarian rule to show their desire for freedom and democracy. The Burmese people were let down and tens of thousands paid with their lives for their failed bid for freedom and democracy.If and only if the UNSC are ready to take care Burma for the result of any actions, the Burmese may rise up again to defy the dictatorship.


Since Burma’s independence from the British in 1948, armed ethnic groups in Burma have been taking up arms against the Burmese Army (Myanmar Tatmadaw), but to no avail until today.  The Burmese Army, on the other hand, has never tried to uproot them, a ploy only with their eyes on extending their protracted rule, fingering ethnic insurgency, as the harbinger of the country falling into an fathomless abyss (in the hands of the colonialists) and thus giving them a pretext for building up a huge armed force, with a view to preempt the disintegration of the country, according to the ruling generals, still hoodwinking the people of Burma and the world in general today. In actual fact and practice, the generals are using this mammoth force, armed chiefly with Chinese hardware and backed by China, as a vital instrument in killing the people and instilling fear in their hearts like today. Thus, the generals in Burma are playing a double game at the expense of the people, to achieve their own aims, continued hold on power and accumulate wealth at the same time.


Burma is indeed in need of a democratic rule with only one army (armed force) to protect its citizens living in peace and harmony. In that respect the armed ethnic groups thus need to be disarmed first.  Given the present situation, they would never give up their arms or surrender to the Burmese Army, citing their insecurity. Nevertheless, they may agree to give up their arms to a democratic and representative ruling body in Burma culminating from the intervention or supervision of the UNSC as called for by the people of Burma and Burmese opposition alliances both inside and overseas today. Therefore, the UNSC intervention is vital and essential at this very moment, as it is the only way to salvage Burma’s future, not to mention peace and security of the region, out of today’s prevailing chaos in the country.


Now, a point to note about the mentality of Burmese military regime; traditionally, Burmese pay respects to elders and sympathy to the young; however, among today’s members of the military elite and upper echelons of government, there exists a policy practicing acquiescence on the upper high echelons and privileged elite, especially of the military, and subjugating the common ordinary people. Most disastrously the ruling military in Burma is establishing an elite class of its own, as obviously today. Naturally, this ilk fear strong people or organizations and enjoy bullying the weak. In fact, they are very wary of or reluctant to confront the likes of the UNSC, US, UK and their allies, but enjoy playing havoc on the ethnic minority groups and unarmed dissidents in Burma as evidenced today.


During the nationwide uprisings for freedom and democracy in 1988, many leading figures in the Burma Army (Myanmar Tatmadaw) have contemplated changing sides, due to the involvement of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, students, and the people and a prompt and timely substantial and strong backing and action on the part of the UN, US, UK, and the international community would have tipped the scales and a different story would be in order today in Burma. However, they have waited too long and their reluctance gave away the game, and we have to flee the country, in the wake of the military takeover of the country on September 18, 1988. After eighteen years, the hope and promise we have given the Burmese people during the nationwide uprisings in 1988, is in sight and coming to reality and true today. We can definitely say that this time in case, the UNSC takes substantial action on Burma, the (silent) majority of the Myanmar Tatmadaw members would jump ship for democracy.  In case the USNC gives a strong ultimatum to the SPDC regime, within a week 75% of Myanmar Tatmadaw members will side with the democratic alliances.


The latest Russian view on Burma cites that the Burma issue today is no threat to international peace and security. We do not agree, as on the contrary and in light of the prevailing chaos in Burma - narcotic problems and pandemic HIV/AIDS and other maladies plus the Burmese junta’s practice of lawlessness and brutality - directly threatening the peace and security of the region. The UNSC and international community have a bounded duty and legitimate obligation to preempt, dictatorships of any sort much less of the ilk in Burma, from taking precedence in this world. No wonder, Russia and Burma are having close ties, since Russia is a pseudo-democratic country, most likely an authoritarian one, ruled by an ex- intelligence chief of the former Soviet Union, trying his best to continue his monopoly rule in Russia and Burma is running amok with military dictators bent on holding onto power until eternity and at all costs, and at the same time looting the country and bullying the people at will.


For years, China has been protecting the Burmese military regime. Today China is a fast developing country totally different from the past. The positive developments in China (economy, technology, living standards), and Burma still an outback country riddled with gross human right abuses, drug producing and trafficking of narcotics, pandemic AIDS problems, rampant corruption etc. are vividly different. China cannot be supportive of Burma on the long run as it would be a burden on the communist China. Burmese dissidents, people and the future leaders of Burma, want China to exercise a hands-off policy on Burma and cease giving unwarranted and unpopular protection on the Burmese military regime and instead support the UNSC intervention on Burma, with a view to improve relations with the Burmese people in the future, when Burma becomes democratic, an inevitable fact and a reality to come in a very near future.  This would be more pragmatic and practical for China in future, as both countries could gain from mutual relations in terms of trade and others, in addition to safeguarding regional safety and security. And China could be a neighbor and friend for Burma until to eternity, like in centuries past.


The member countries in the ASEAN, Japan and India should realize also that their policy on Burma (constructive engagement) does not work at all. Today, some members of ASEAN are reviewing their stand and policy on Burma but some are still adamant and embracing this self-serving and destructive policy. It is about time after 18 years for those ASEAN member countries to stop leading Burma to no where.  The worst is Thailand today under Thasin’s monopoly rule. Thaksin and his ilk in the ASEAN are leading Burma to no where as they have their prejudices and hidden agendas of their own, blatantly and shamelessly leading Burma to no where, much less on the road to democracy as they are howling today. Burma’s narcotic, AIDS and refugee problems are a burden on Thailand as well, as obvious today. We would like to warn strongly that Thailand and the ASEAN in all abandon its “constructive engagement policy” or rather a destructive one on Burma and then support the UNSC intervention on Burma with a hind sight to prolong or at least, continue improving relations with Burma in the future. They could gain immensely from a democratic Burma in place of a military ruled one as at present.



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