fighting irish rugby football club
founded 2000
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alum�nus: &-'l&m-n&s n. (plural alum�ni  /-"nI/) 1 : one who has attended or has graduated from a particular school, college, or university 2 : one who is a former member, employee, contributor, or inmate
e-mail the fighting irish rugby club
Blake Shelide - writes from Notre Dame where he plays with a rugby club in South Bend. He reports that he also practices with the South Bend men's club called The Blues. He is looking forward to the first match on March 22.

Jason Campbell - writes: "Hey everyone, good luck this year.  After playing one year of college football for The University Of Tennessee @ Chattanooga. I will be joining  the Moosemen of MTSU for a year of rugby.  Thanks and good luck."

Jeremy Thompson - (2001-2002) writes: " I am studying engineering at UT Knoxville.  I am not playing rugby right now though.  I might in the future.  I do play intramural football and basketball with my fraterntiy, Pi Kappa Phi."
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