FGF2 Page
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected] | Block Address | Add to Address Book
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:56:45 EST
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: [FGF] Jason Update

Dear Listmates:

The List has been really busy lately.  I have waited to report the results of
our son Jason's visit to Dr. Aguilar at the begining of the month.

Jason's case is interesting in regards to the effectivness of FGF2 because
FGF2 is his only treatment for the last three years.   Jason has been under
FGF2  treatment for 3 years- 4 months.  His last injection was four months
prior to our visit.  

The first visit diagnosis (August 1997) was developmetal delay of about 25
percent in all areas.  Of there was long history to Jason's delays.  He was
diagnosed at age seven months with worse delays and we believe the cause was
possibly due to over dosage of oxygen at birth.  In practical terms at age 10
when he started treatment with FGF2 at age he had the developmental skills of
an 8 year old.   In comparision to many of Dr. Aguilar's patients this could
be considered a mild case.  

Dr. Aguilar's first visually evoked potential  EEG test showed that Jason's
brain had some areas that were not working very well.  Dr. Aguilar stated at
that time that he believed a 100 percent recovery was possible.

Jason is now functioning in the middle of normal range in all areas and
little ahead in a few.  He plays soccer with 14 year olds and does o.k..  He
scored in the 60 percent range on the state school test, although he is one
year back (6th grade) in school.  However, the class is very bright (average
test scores in the 80th percentile) and Jason is keeping up easily.   

Dr. Aguilar stated at our visit that Jason is "cured" and "he is going to
have a normal life".  He also said that further progress is still possible.  
We are going to resume treatments at reduced dosage in three months, continue
for six months, stop for four months, and then repeat the EEG tests  (with
the new equipment).  It is expected that after that there will be one more
six month period of treatment and then we are finished.

Jim Dunham
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