Maryland Judicial Equality Committee


The mission of the Committee is to speak out regarding Justice in the Judicial System. We do not believe that when people speak of Justice and the Law, that such a statement should be considered an Oxymoron. We believe that "due process" and "justice" are one and the same. The Law without Justice is Tyranny. We believe that no one is above the Law, including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, elected and appointed officials and no one has an excuse to violate the rights of another human being based on any factor, especially using the powers of the government. And most importantly, Justice should never be a matter of how much money you have to pay for a lawyer. Special treatment under the Law is not Justice, Justice is either for all of us or none of us.

The guiding principal of the Committee is the US Constitution's 14th Amendment. Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868. Section 1.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Maryland Judicial System's Hall of Shame / Salem Witch Trails of 1692 / Anatomy of a Dysfunctional Legal System / Discrimination / What Can I Do? / Call for Legislation / Montgomery County in the News / Dehumanization / Sexual Allegations In Divorce / The Innocence Project / Annual Report for the State of Maryland Judicial System / States with Laws against False Reports, Maryland is notable exception / Montgomery County Bar Association Civility Commission / Candidate Position Survey / Survey Responses / **** Articles****

Other Organizations Working to Bring About Equal Rights

To this end, all members are encouraged to lobby State and County representatives to raise awareness of the issues of discrimination in all its forms both in civil and criminal cases. They are to send letters and emails to local print and news media organizations whenever they see bias reporting leading the readers or listeners to the false conclusion that some group based on their physical characteristics such as gender, race and age or religious and political beliefs are solely responsible for the problems of society.

There is no monetary cost for membership, just your participation in speaking out and alerting the Committee to potential abuses of the Judicial System.

To join the Maryland Judicial Equality Committee contact us at [email protected]

Your name and email address is all that is required for membership.

What can I do? You can email your State Senator and Delegate of Maryland and suggest legislation to correct the problem. I'm just one person, my voice doesn't count. You are right, one voice doesn't count, however, like voting, many voices together do count, get your friends to write emails too. When you do, let us know. Also, get involved make your voice count by joining with others trying to change the system. Check out our organizations page, pick a group that focuses on your particular interest.


A monthly email newsletter will be sent and periodic letter writing campaigns to raise awareness of issues of importance.

At this time, the Maryland Judicial Equality Committee is not a PAC (Political Action Committee), we are not a tax-deductible qualified organization, we do not solicit funds since our focus is strictly public issue awareness through concerned citizens.


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