Fight AIDS Now
Welcome! This website has been founded by:

Laura Ashbaugh
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Richelle Baker
Mount Saint Mary's College

Mary Theresa Kittle
College of Notre Dame

Laura Secker
Hood College

During the summer of 2001,� we took part in the Governor's Summer Internship Program. As part of the program, the interns were required to complete a policy paper on a topic of their choice. We completed a policy paper entitled, "Reducing the Risk: Implementing Standardized Mandatory HIV/AIDS Curriculum in Maryland's Public Schools."

The policy paper has been put on the web so that others may gain access to information about this very important topic.

We hope that someday our work will make a difference and perhaps reform current HIV/AIDS curricula requirements in Maryland.

If you wouild like any inforamtion or have any questions we urge you to contact us.

To view our paper, click on the "next" icon below:
For more information:
[email protected]
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