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updated 07.08.00

i am " half a dog tall, a dog and a half long " !

Hi pals!

I am still in Brisbane ..... sigh ..... :(
Supposed to catch my plane on 05.08.00 but the "human" in Brisbane has lost my document! Can you believe that?
Wonder what Brunei is like. I heard it's hot overthere. Hot like in Hawaii?? Guess the women there all dress in bikinis. Boy! I can't wait to see!
Can't wait to see my mama too.
Ooh! I will be in Brunei this 10.08.00 evening.

click on pawprint for some gorgeous pics

drop me a "bone" while u are here

be nosy, sniff out "bones" I've collected !

number of pawprints waddled in since 23.06.00.

e-mail fifi :

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Basset Hound Ring.

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