Assalamualaikum and a very good day to this site's visitors,

As days and phases of life passed by, I've been thinking and wandering lately. One of the things I've been thinking about is about this site. Since the last day of my update, which is about 2 years ago, I've chosen to ignore this site and not proceeding to update it, even when some of the visitors have been asking for it. The reason? Simply because I do not have full heart in doing it anymore, be it KOF, Japanese and Korean Drama or other things. Furthermore, I have other things to do, namely studying and others. And for the king of reasons, I'm freakin' LAZY.

I actually want to update this site frequently, to satisfy myself and other visitors, but with lack of resources, support and time these past 2 years, it's becoming even more hard to do and eventually to the point where I've decided it's enough. So until further decisions to make a comeback, this site closed its' doors to public.

A big thank yous and shout-outs to all my friends (either online or offline) and visitors who help and made suggestions, comments and critics about this site. I'm so sorry to made this decision, but I'm afraid that I cannot afford to continue anymore. You can still drop your 2 cents (comments) through the guestbook or my email.

May God bless us all.

Ayoep ( [email protected] )

5 June 2003

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