bible inquirer / home Updated : Sun, 4-apr-04
The Lord will Take Care of Your Wants as Well.
The Psalmist David in writing Psalm 23:1 acknowledged that the Lord was his Shepherd and because of that relationship, he had no wants. I often wondered at that. How could David say that the Lord satisfied all his wants? I can understand if he wrote, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not need.”
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John 1:18: No One Has Ever Seen God?

This verse is clearly saying that no one has ever seen God, but in Exodus 33:20 we read, "You cannot see my face . . . and live," and in Exodus 24:11, "They saw God, and they ate and drank." How can John claim that no one has ever seen God when the Old Testament text indicates that people did see God on at least two occasions?
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"Your Word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path."
Psalms 119:105 NKJV
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
Romans 8:37 KJV
Christian Answers
A great archive full of questions and answers, some material you might find quite surprising!

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Many of the references on this site are taken from sources like
the NKJV, NIV bibles and from selected sources on the
internet which you will be able to find on my links page.
Articles / Messages are authored by Mr Andrew Lee.
About This Site
This site is a collection of messages written and compiled by
Mr Andrew Lee of New Creation Church Singapore. It is our
prayer and desire that you benefit from the materials
provided on this site and that you will open up your hearts
and minds to His love for you.
Email any comments or suggestions to me at :
[email protected]

The Lord bless and keep you always.
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