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Welcome to www.artigue.com

Welcome to Jennifer and Bradley Artigue’s web site.  After over a year of being generally lazy about getting the  site back online, we’ve finally found the time, scanned in the pictures, and loaded it back up.

2000 started for us in Spain, then Amsterdam through the winter and early spring.  We made it back to Atlanta in  late March to a new house, new job, and the same cat.

We’re still in the process of uploading new pictures into the gallery section.  You can order some of Brad’s prints if you like them, they are mostly of European cites.  The travel section has some information about cities and countries we visited, along with some stories. 

If you are visiting the site because you have an interest in Fiat  Spiders then visit the cars section.

Enjoy the site!   (Updated 1/1/01)

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