This page too is about Invader Zim. BUT rather than a short (VERY short) over view of the show, this page is DEVOTED to G.I.R.. G.I.R. is Zim's robot helper person. Yes he is a robot. When Invader Zim got "assigned" he recieved a robot. The other Invaders got S.I.R.s but since the Almight Red and Purple didn't want to send Zim on a mission they created G.I.R. out of parts they found in the trash. So therefor G.I.R. is incredibly stupid or "advanced" as the almight Red and Purple called him. But G.I.R. is easily the greatest character on the show. A poll on 'The Rubber Moose' web site agreed. 56% of people votd G.I.R. the best character (Zim was second). So it is true! Ok. below are some pictures of G.I.R.. YAY for G.I.R.
<--- This is G.I.R. in his robot form. He is dansing. YAY!
This is G.I.R. in his dog suit. He wears --->
this suit when he goes out in public. Or sometimes just around the house. G.I.R. wanted to be a mongoose, but he became a dog. Oh well.
<--- This is G.I.R. putting on his dog suit. YAY!
These are G.I.R.s that i have adopted from You can adopt them too from the site. But if you put them on your site, you MUST link them to! yay!
All pictures from
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