Well, as I work on this web site for the first time in probably a year, I've realised how different we both are now, than when we first started this web  page. This web page exists because one day, many years ago, two very bored best friends were inspired after seeing a friends web page. So we thought, hey, let's create a web page of our own. So we slowly built this site up, and although this year was a very busy one, I've finally come back on due to my severe bordem. So about us!
We're from Melbourne, Australia... We're both studying at Monash University, Berwick. Fi's studying a Bachelor of Communication, and Mel's studying a Bachelor of Business and Commerce.  We've been best friends for quite a while, about seven years I think... And although we've had our ups and down, we're still great friends... So yeah, I think that's about it!
* Firstly I would like to thank Fiona for being such a good friend for such a long time... Seven years I think!
I love you Fi Fi!

* Now, to all my group, all the fruits.... Eb, Fi,  Lex, Laura, Shazz and Zoe....
Big hellos!!! And I don't need to say how good you are cause you already know it!
Keeping smiling girls!!!!!!! :)

* Next to my gorgeous boyfriend Andrew. I just want to say that you mean the world to me, and I love you so much. Oh, and I love you more, NO RETURNS!
Oh yeah ;oP

* To everyone from Argus. You are all the best, and can always make me laugh. We'll have to have an "executive weekend away" sometime soon

* To Sal and Stix, the two others from high school that I still see. We should really make an effort to catch up more!

* Last, but no least, to Helen and Stewart,  I love you both, and am hanging to come up and see you guys soon!
* To Mel, it's been so long since we met in year 7 and am amazed how fast time has gone. You mean the world to me and it's been a blast throughout the years. Thanks so much for always looking out for me and for never failing to be there :)

* To the ever rocking fruitz! Eb, Shazz, Lex, Laura and Zoe..Love you so much and this year will totally kick ass over last, we are all definitely hangning out more..MWAH!!!

*To the Dublin gang...you guys are the best, had loadsa fun every time I'm over, maybe one day you'll be stuck with me permanently

*To Nadia..dancing, working and overseas together?! Can't ask for much more...xoxox
Thanks for everything everyone!!!!!
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