Funny Quote Page
Here's just some of the things that people say.....
Especially all the funny and stupid things!
Shazz- "Lets be like the little mermaid... and shoot up"
(don't ask where the hell that one come from! Something involving a swimming pool)
Alex- "Shannon, it's not going to fit! The hole is too small for it.... yuck, it looks so disgusting and now I'm feeling really sick.... It won't fit!"
(of course, Alex was talking about trying to put Shazz's earing in! :o)
Karlo- while in Safeway, he grabbed some satin ribbon.. and looking at us he starts pissing himself laughing saying "Look at this!!!!" And we're all like, "hmmm... yeah?" and Karlo says "It says Satan"
Sorry, it says satin!!....
(You had to have been there!)
Shazz- "Don't you hate when you go to write a comma, but instead you write a footstop.
Mel- (when attempting to tell someone off for bagging aboriginals)
"That sexist!"
And then later, when attempting to tell Shazz off for being sexist
"That's rapist!!!"
(of course alcohol was involved in that!!!)
Laura while driving past the crematorium-
"Hey that must be where they make cream!"
Melinda (while sitting in a park, desperate for more alcohol)  "I think we need alcohol to get drunk"
Shazz (pointing @ a pony) "Look at the puppy! Aw... I mean poodle!" To Alex, "Look at the poodle, look at the poodle!"
Kat: "Joss is dripping wet water all over the floor!"
Shazz: "My hairs are all leggy!"
Rach: "She can't be bulemic! She's so skinny!"
Kat: (when talking about the dry garden)"We can rain it"
Shazz: "I was pretending he was my dog.
And I was pulling him"
Ellen Frasier: "Someone spiked the alcohol"
Laura: "You can't say fishes! It's POLITICALLY incorrect!"
Emily: "I've got nothing against her, I just don't like her!"
Laura: "Swimming in drinking pools is bad"
Well a special thanks to everyone who has made life so
amusing by saying some of these stupid comments.....
Also, thanks to @lexia for continuely writing them down........
So next time someone you know says something stupid,
write down what it was and who said it and e-mail us at
[email protected]
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