The first reunion of the year group that started in September 1969 took place on the 21st September 2002.  Judging by the favourable comments the evening was a success.  21 ex-pupils and 3 staff members attended the event.  The ex-pupils who attended were (in no particular order) Robin Welland-Jones, Chris Fitch, David Grimes, Matthew Owen, Peter Brinkworth, Mike Fromberg, Colin Spence, Keith Ryan, James Downes (known to us as Bill Downes), John Baker, Steve Pritchard, Martin Mueller, Geoff Brown, Steve Tompkins, David Hughes, Steve Kellaway, Rod Bennett, Mike Seignot, Neil McCabe, Jim Peters & Hugh Groves.  The ex-staff members included Mr. George Baxter, Mr. Stan Owen and Mr. John Comerford.

The evening took the form of arrival at 7.30 with everyone chatting over a pint or two.  Before we started our meal a photographer attended and took a photograph for inclusion in this week's Farnham Herald.  We then sat down to a buffet dinner.  During the dinner we circulated as much as possible to meet as many of our contemporaries.  In the course of the evening a minor speech was made by Mr. Baxter and David Grimes and Steve Pritchard had a chat about the Old Farnhamian's Association.  Steve is the treasurer of the OFA.  Steve urged us to join the OFA - it only costs £5.00 per year.  Follow the OFA website below for more details.  The speeches were short so that reminisces could be resumed.  The evening closed at about 1.45, and many were asking when will the next event be held.  More of this in the future, once the dust has settled.  Each person that attended received a commemorative glass.  The glass has an image of the school's badge together with the date of the event.  Click here to view a photograph of the glass.


Reunion 21/09/02 - A photograph of the group who attended appears above, click on it for a larger version.  Other photographs of the evening will be posted on this site when they are sent to David Grimes.  If you have a photograph or two send them to me at the link at the bottom of this page.

OFA Dinner 13/04/02 - Click on the photo above to see a larger image of the group photograph  taken at the Old Farnhamian's Association Annual Dinner on 13th April 2002.


Old Farnhamian's Association

Farnham College

Email to  David Grimes.  Any old photographs of the school years would also be welcomed.

Site updated on 23/09/02

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