SimpleCalc ---------- This is a simple Java Calculator with advanced functions :-D You can use the mouse or the keyboard and then press the [=] button or press enter to evaluate. For the more advanced functions you'll have use the keyboard. The calculator supports these operators and functions: ------------------------------------------------------ + addition - subtraction * multiplication / division ^ power to % modulo sin() sinus cos() cosinus tan() tangent atan() arcustangent asin() arcussinus acos() arcuscosinus sinh() hyperbolicsinus cosh() hyperboliccosinus tanh() hyperbolictangens exp() constant E raised to ln() natural logarithm [n]log() any logaritm, base n sqrt() squareroot cotan() cotangens acotan() inverted cotangens abs() absolute value of ceil() ceil, ceil(2.3) = 3 floor() floor, floor(1.23) = 1 fac() faculty, fac(n) = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*..*1 sfac() semifaculty, sfac(n) = n*(n-2)*(n-4)*..4*2 if n even, sfac(n) = n*(n-2)*(n-4)*..3*1 if n is noteven round() round fpart() decimal part of Logical operators : ------------------- == equal, returns 1.0 if arguments are equal, 0.0 otherwise != not equal, returns 1.0 if arguments is not equal, 0.0 otherwise ! not, returns 0.0 if it's argument is 1.0, 1.0 otherwise && and, returns 1.0 if argumnets both evaluates to 1.0, 0.0 otherwise || or, returns 1.0 if any argument evaluates to 1.0, 0.0 otherwise > larger than, returns 1.0 if left side is larger than the right side < less than, returns 1.0 if left side is less than the right side <= less than or equal, returns 1.0 if left side is less than or equal the right side >= larger than or equal, returns 1.0 if left side is larger than or equal the right side Special functions : ------------------- diff( ) will symbolically differentiate a mathematical expression of one variable. Ex. diff( x^2-2*x ) will return 2*x-2 To evaluate a differentiated expression first use set( ) to store values in the variable currently used and then differentiate and then press enter again to evaluate. Ex. set(x=2) [enter] returns "Value set" as confirmation diff(x^2) [enter] returns 2*x [enter] evaluates 2*x and returns 4 set( ) will set a variable so it can be used in a calculation. Ex. set(x=5) x will be set to 5 so the calculation x^3 will evaluate to 125. You can also store a calculation directly like : set(x=3*(5-2)/7) x will be set to 3*(5-2)/7 clear( ) Clears a stored variable. Ex. clear(x) will clear the variable x, any calculation with x in it after calling clear(x) will generate the error: "No value associated with x" memory Will show all values currently in memory. values will still be in memory after pressing the [clear] button, use clear( ) to clear a value in memory. Please note that diff( ) , set( ), memory and clear( ) cannot be used as a part of an expression, this will not generate an error but will just cause the first occurance of any of the commands to be evaluated. for example: 2*5-diff(x^3) will just cause diff(x^3) to be evaluated. Constants supported: -------------------- Pi pi, 3.1415... Euler base for the natural logarithm, 2.7182.. true 1.0 false 0.0 Operator precedence in order of evaluation: ------------------------------------------- ( you can always change the order of evaluation by using paranthesis. ) ! cos sin tan sqrt exp.....etc ^ * / % log + - > >= < <= == != || &&
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