Anna's Comic is a little... "abstract"... it took me about.... 10 times of reading it to figure out what was what... it's like two comics in one... a must-read for 'fans' of "Spartikis"... This is another classic story of "Let's go sew a sweater"... told right from the heart of the person that experianced it... ;)
KDGH (Kitten Death Gone Hooded) is the classic story of Mr. Patchy and his delectible soul patch
Another comic done by Laura Tselikis... she's clever with her rhymes, isn't she?... a must-read for fans of muffins and randomess.^_^;; hehe!
YET ANOTHER WONDERFUL LENGTHY RHYMING COMIC CREATED BY LAURA! This is a wonderful story about a killer cookie... (i'm featured as a super hero... i can breathe underwater... ;)... that means that i'm awesome.. lol) read it... because i said so. xD
holy crap! it's another rhyming comic done by laura. this is a story about jack, and his friend the ghetto fire hydrant... eggs reproduce, nuns don't! yupp... that's it. xD
A short little wizard comic i made about a bajillion years ago...
Ok... seriously.. it's featuring my mom... lol. see that crazy little woman above this?... that's supposed to be my mom.. xD really...anyways... uhh... read it... because i said so O_o this is another really old comic... lol.
As if regular television isn't good enough! a really scetchy version of one of my "todd and the amazing starfish" comics from way back in the 8th grade... this is the first episode...
Comics on this page were made by me, Tovah Onigman, and my friends, Anna Pomeroy and Laura Tselikis... They're like.. Copyrighted and stuff like that... so uh...don't steal them...... or we'll eat you. O_o
Another little picture by Laura Tselikis... "It's never a bad day.... To go INSANE!"
Last update: April 1, 2009: everything is back up forever and a day.:)

April 3, 2005:
They're back, bitches!

May 24, 2004: i took down all that old bullshit.

Clove Cigarettes: Worse than regular kinds like Marbs, will (hopefully) poke holes in your lungs and kill you faster than other brands. But Mr. Patchy is right, they do "smell delicious."
Hey Anna, Cassandra, Kat, Chrissie, Sarah, Amanda1, Amanda 2, and Amanda 3... LET'S GO SEW A SWEATER!
The Forbidden Comic Of Doom *gasp*.

I know, it's
short... There were other versions of this, but they were lost.
(This one is Anna and Cassandra)
there were a lot more comic here, but greatest journal sucks ass
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