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Language Arts     
Oral History Project

DUE DATES (Speech and Presentation):
All classes:  Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Part One:  Sample
Take notes in class during the sample presentation (Ms. Felicia's sharing).  Then, use the notes that you have to write an oral history for Ms. Felicia.  This will be used so you know what to include in your individual oral history.

Part Two:  Brainstorm
Identify ten people who you could potentially interview and write an oral history for.  For each person, identify how they are related to you, why you have chosen them, and how/ when you will conduct the interview.

Part Three:  Interview Pre-arrangements
Three A. Write a letter to the person you have selected.  Identify why you would like to interview them, and how/ when you intend to interview them.  What is the purpose of this interview?  Will there be follow-up (yes there will be!)
Three B.  Write five introductory questions for your interview.
Write five clarifying/ detail questions for your interview.

Part Four:  Interview
Interview the person you have agreed to interview.  Remember to say "Thank you" when you are through.

Part Five: Write-up and Approval
Write up the oral history.  Remember, it should be in STORY form, with a beginning, middle, and ending.  When you are finished writing the story, let the person you interviewed hear the story.  Get their approval.  The approval can be as simple as their signature on your book.  If they feel comfortable, they can write more.

Part Six:  Publish
Create a front cover (title, author, illustration) and back cover (three paragraphs:  introduce yourself, introduce the person you wrote about, what you hope others will learn from reading this story).  Write your final copy of the oral history in story book form, with at least three pictures (beginning, middle, end; photographs would be great!)

On your due date, you will read your book.  Bonus points if the person you wrote about is able to come listen to your re-telling!  Grading:  (1) Volume/Dynamics (loud enough to hear, voice fluctuates appropriately to keep audience interest, etc.), (2) Flow/ Organization  (ready to go when called on, knows how to pronounce words, shows pictures to audience, appropriate pacing/speed in re-telling of the story, etc.)

Parent Signature: _________________________________________  Date  ______________________
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