BATEO Reviews
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"Butterfly Effect".  A young man named Evan discovers that he has the ability ro relive his life, return to past events and change them.  The outcome of these changes affects the lives of his friends and family.

This movie is rated: R, but if there were some scenes taken out, the concept is good for teens.

Our lives are intertwined.  Our actions (and inactions) affect the lives of not only ourselves, but of others as well.

"You were my miracle baby." (Evan's mother's in conversation with Evan).

"Butterfly Effect" does an excellent job of portraying the desparation that Evan feels when he discovers that his actions, and inactions, affect the lives of his loved ones.  He shows us that our lives are not built on easy choices.
Active Learning Strategies
B ackground; A udience; T heme; E xcerpt/xperience; O pinion
BATEO was created to give my students a structure for writing literary analyses.
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