Modifying Behavior
We are social creatures.  And social creatures are... social  Interacting with others is a way to gain acceptance.  One way to look at it is with the concept of "following the crowd".

The preoccupation with being accepted causes individuals to be more worried about saving face, and what others think of them, rather than taking care to do the right thing. 

Combined with the fact that we have been socialized to only truly focus on one thing at a time, the problem that arises can become a large one.

It's necessary for us to change our thinking processes from following the crowd, to having a thought process.

There's an old saying:  "Measure twice, cut once."  Yes, it takes time to measure twice.  But the product turns out much better than one that doesn't have the builder's full attention upon it.

Initially, the thinking will take time to accomplish. But, as we become more practiced thinkers, it becomes second nature.  Then, spontanaeity and impulsivity can become a part of the decision making process again.

Both the "basics" and creativity are needed.  Devoting time to awareness of each will lead to the building of future successes.
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Felicia Samson
[email protected]
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