Class Notebooks
Class Notebooks ... the most recent classroom management tool that I implemented.

Each student has his or her own notebook, while the classroom has the same notebook for students to refer to.  After lessons, I would copy the notes from the overhead or board into the classroom notebook. 

What's nice about a class notebook and teaching students to have their notebooks in the same format is the ease in finding past assignments to discuss and revisit... especially important when reflection and metacomprehension are a focus.  Another benefit is the aid it provides for students who have missed class... they can come in to homework club for help; parents can request missing assignments, and the teacher can take the notebook to the copier and xerox what the student missed... so simple...
Website Links
Classroom Management
Active Learning Strategies
My Info:
Name: Felicia Samson
[email protected]
Table of Contents / Assignment Checklist
A table of contents is one of the key parts to having successful class notebooks.  These pages list all of the work that is included in the class notebook.  This page looks something like this:

Date   CODE #        Title              Due          Done   Submitted
    9/25    BORE#1      Junius Maltby       09/30          X        X
    9/28    NOLA#1      Pronouns            09/30          X        X
    9/28    WUPA #1    Junius Maltby        10/18                     
    9/30    GALA #1     Boggle!             ----           X       ---

The done column indicates that the work was completed in the notebook.  For most assignments, final copies are completed on 8-1/2 x 11 paper and submitted.  That's what the last column is for.  Students check this page to ensure that they have submitted assignments that have been completed
Another key component of a successful classroom notebook is the establishment of codes for assignments.  Here is a partial list of the codes we used:

BORE - BOok REview
    WUPA - Wrap UP Assignment
    REAMS - REflection AMerican Studies
    RELA - REflection Language Arts
    NOAMS - NOtes AMerican Studies
    NOLA - NOtes Language Arts
    GAAMS - GAmes AMerican Studies
    GALA - GAmes Language Arts

Assignment Numbers
Once the codes are assigned, each assignment gets a number.  For example BORE #1, BORE #2, etc.  This allows students to recall which topics and assignments were covered first. It's also a nice way to let students know that progress is being made. 
Notebook Checks
Notebook checks are performed at least once a week during silent reading.  This allows an opportunity for the teacher to ensure that students are completing assignments, and to have them come for Homework Club if they need extra help.
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