Weight-gain Posing



First let me say I'm not complaining. Lots of photos of fat and/or gaining women have been turning up on the net in the last few years, and it's a wonderful development.

But there's room for improvement!

I've written about this before (see BBW Superiority). That time, I encouraged women to show off their bellies more. I don't know if it's due to my article, but a lot more bellies have been showing up! 


Now what?

Well, let me tell you all you BBWs and BBWs-to-be out there: as FAs, we love pictures that show how beautiful you are, how curvy, and we like all those poses that are common in conventional erotic photography.

But there are some other things we like, especially the Feeder subset of our FA population (maybe you hate Feeders, think they're awful and immoral, don't want to do anything that would please them--fine. You may go now.). I can't speak for all Feeders, of course, but I think most of them would agree with most of the following. We like:

1. Pictures that show how fat (or "chubby" or "plump") you are;

2. Pictures that show how much fatter you are than you were before;

3. Pictures that illustrate how much you like to eat;

4. Pictures that show how lazy you are.

Okay, maybe some of these don't apply to you; or maybe you don't want to take such photos even if they do apply to you. For example, lots of women who eat quite a lot are still very uncomfortable showing photos of themselves eating a lot. That's okay; you can take some of my advice without taking all of it.  

Obviously if you're too shy to share these photos, don't. But make sure you take the pictures. Nothing is sadder than a beautiful weight-gain gone unrecorded (Okay, okay, some things are sadder, but never mind). You may change your mind and want to share them later, and you can't do that if you didn't take them in the first place. Even if you never share them with anyone, you'll appreciate them yourself. Or you may want to share them selectively, e.g., with future lovers.



We prefer Feedees who are proud of their extra weight and like to show it off, and we like photos that suggest this attitude. "Look how fat I am! Isn't it cool?" That's what you should be thinking about while posing.

Admittedly, there is at least one artist who draws women who look rather dismayed by their huge size, so if you'd like to pose that way, some people may like that. However, I think the vast majority of us would prefer that you look happy and proud of your weight.



Nudity is always very nice, but probably less important for Weight-Gain photos than it is for conventional erotica. And of course many websites prefer clothed models. So if you'd rather not pose nude, that's fine. Just don't wear clothing that tries to hide or disguise your weight...remember, you're proud of that fat! 



Many photos are cropped too much for my taste. The most egregious example is some older issues of Plumpers and Big Women, which used to feature huge numbers of shots of women's torsos, and crop out their legs and arms and even heads. They've gotten better about this more recently. I don't mind a few shots like this, but in general I prefer photos that feature the whole body. I want to get a sense of your proportions, hard to do if I can only see a piece of you. 


Pictures that show how fat you are

Naturally, anything that shows off the size of your tummy is a natural for this category. A profile shot is essential.

Pinching folds of fat or poking yourself to demonstrate how soft your flesh is is very good. 

Suck in your belly as much as you can (especially effective if you're only slightly overweight at this point) and immediately follow that with a photo or your belly relaxed.

From a standing position, touch your toes, or try to. Take shots from the rear, the side, and various angles.

Cross your legs, or try to. If not nude, you should be at least bare-legged and barefoot in this shot, and the photo must include your entire legs, down to the feet.

Take the "wall test". That's where you stand facing the wall and try to touch it with your toes without falling over backwards. (If you can pass this test, you need to gain some more weight!)

Get on all fours, show how low your belly and breasts hang. If your belly doesn't touch the floor (yet), you can pile up books until the books touch your belly, illustrating how far you have to go before it does touch the floor.

Sit on a chair or stool that is too small (or that may become too small in the future). These are best taken from the rear--they show off how wonderfully wide your rear end is.

At least one full-body shot of you lounging on your side on a fairly hard surface (exaggerating the curve of your hip) is mandatory. Okay, so it's a bit on the Hollywood side, but who cares? 


Pictures that show how much fatter you are than you were before

Feeders can never get enough of such photos. 

Naturally, the best thing to have is a picture of yourself taken when you were thinner. A shot using a pose from the "Pictures that show how fat you are" list is perfect; however, if, like most people, it didn't occur to you to take such a picture when you were thin, all is not lost--any picture will do. The thing is to reproduce that picture as well as you can using your current body. If you were standing next to a car in the "before" photo, try to stand next to the same car. Try to wear the same clothes, unbuttoning, unzipping, or tearing them to whatever extent is necessary. Looking happier in the "after" picture is a nice touch--it suggests that you like being fat. We like that.

Photos of you or your Feeder measuring your body are always nice. Shoot some close ups, so we can read the numbers on the tape! And these are very suitable for "Before, after, & after that" shots.

And remember, you may get fatter than you are now--current photos will eventually be "before" or intermediate shots. Try to think of clothes, poses, and props that will help contrast your current body with your future fatter and heavier one.
For example, look at the accompanying cartoon--see how in the "after" version, the couch's cushions are much more squashed by her increased weight? (I wrote that cartoon idea, but the squashed cushions were a very nice touch that Jay Tee came up with). Something like that would be great. Or how about sitting in a swing? Or going down a slide in the playground? Or go to a swimming pool and sit on the end of the diving board...it will bend lower when you're heavier! (This requires very careful recording of camera position and alignment so you can reproduce the shot precisely). 

Of course, modeling clothes that don't fit anymore is always very cool, even if you don't have photos of yourself wearing them when they did fit. 

A picture of you standing on the scale, perhaps looking surprised at all the weight you've gained, would be very nice.


Pictures that illustrate how much you like to eat.

Again, maybe you don't eat all that much--we'd still love to see photos that suggest that you do. This is erotica, not journalism! Of course, these sorts of pictures (as well as the pictures that show how lazy you are) are necessarily somewhat contrived. You can't really photograph laziness or overeating.  

But it's worth a try!

As far as eating goes, before and after shots are again very nice, though of course these are taken over the course of a day rather than over the course of weeks or months as in the gaining shots. Ideally, the "before" shots show you contemplating an imposing pile of fattening food and include your belly in profile. The "after" shots show the diminshed pile, the leftover food wrappers, and a good view of your expanded belly. The camera angle, pose, and position should be carefully matched, to clearly illustrate how much your belly has swollen. Something to indicate the passage of time is nice, like a clock:

A series of casual shots of yourself snacking while driving, getting dressed or undressed, bathing, reading, working at a desk, web-surfing, channel surfing, talking on the phone, would suggest very nicely that you eat constantly; even if it's not true, we'll love it! 

Someone once asked me for my ideal eating photo, and I answered something like this: 

She is dressed very nicely and revealingly...she doesn't have to be fat, but should be at least at that point where most women would seriously consider dieting, or better yet, a pound or two past that point; she is eating some big, messy, blatantly-fattening pastry that is so big she can barely fit it into her mouth. She looks at the pastry, not at the camera; she is eating with raptuorous abandon; she doesn't even notice when a dollop of filling lands on her dress, or when another one lands on the expensive rug beneath her feet.


Pictures that illustrate how lazy you are.

To a Feeder, laziness is sexy. Lazy women are easy to fatten up. A lazy Feedee doesn't get much exercise, and gains weight faster. The problems caused by obesity will not bother her as much as they would an active or ambitious person. I know one Feedee who even cultivates laziness; she has managed to become much lazier than she used to be.

Of course, laziness is very tough to photograph. 

You can kind of suggest it by simply lounging on the couch and channel-surfing as you eat.

Messy surroundings are a nice touch; plenty of dirty dishes, bottles, fast food bags, pizza boxes, candy-bar wrappers lying around that you're too lazy to pick up.. (Of course we hope you have a Feeder to clean things up now and then).   

Looking rather exasperated as you reach for a treat that's just out of reach is nice. You're too lazy to get up off the couch and walk over there. 

I'm not too interested in Feeders, but a shot of your Feeder (if you have one) helping you get dressed, picking up the phone, or performing other simple tasks for you that you're too lazy to do would be very cool. 

A photo of you lying on the couch eating while your Feeder works out on the treadmill is also nice. Or even a series: 1) You lounge on the couch eating doughnuts while your Feeder works on the treadmill; 2) you drop the box of doughnuts on the floor; 3) you complain to your Feeder; 4) he runs over and picks up the box for you, sparing you the effort of shifting your body and reaching down to the floor for the doughnuts; 5) You resume eating; he resumes working out.


Other Kinky Stuff

There are sub-categories of Feeding...force-feeding (with and without bondage), humiliation (teasing women and embarrassing them about how fat they are) and other dom/sub things. I'm not really into these things, but I'm sure there are a lot of photographic possibilities.



Obviously, a single photo or series of photos can incorporate more than one of these ideas. 

One series that would interest me would actually be a series of series; the same woman at different weights and degrees of fullness. The first series would have the woman starting on, say a large pizza and a couple of milkshakes and show her belly swell as she eats every bite. The second series would show the woman a few months later, after she'd gained several pounds. This time, her appetite has grown and she starts with more food, maybe a pizza, two shakes, and a cherry pie. We again watch her belly expand as she eats all of this. Each time she adds a significant amount of weight and her gorging ability improves, she shoots another series. The series shows how fat she is, how much fatter she's getting, how much she likes to eat, and how much her appetite improves as she gets fatter.


Personal Preferences

Like I say, I can't speak for all Feedees. I'm probably somewhat unusual in that I prefer "cheesecake" poses more than the hardcore porn. I don't like raunchy stuff, extremely gynecological shots, pics of women ramming dildoes up various orifices. I love candid stuff...a scantily-dressed woman just lounging around at home, snacking, watching TV, talking on the phone, sitting on the couch or floor with her plump legs curled up underneath her, getting stuff out of the fridge, her round bottom sticking out as she reaches for something on a lower shelf--anything like that is great.

Of course lots of guys like the raunchy stuff. I suspect, though, they tend to be FAs more than Feeders. Fellow Feeders, what do you think? 


Other Ideas

I consider this article a work in progress. I'd really appreciate any comments or suggestions that I can add, as well as photos or drawings that illustrate the points mentioned. Send them to TR.

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