13.9  Information and the Professional

Specification Content/Learning Outcomes

User support and training looks at the issue of software packages become more complex. Is there now an increasing need to provide some form of support for all levels of user?
  • Discuss the social, moral and ethical issues associated with the introduction and use of information and communication technology systems as they affect a professional working within the industry.
  • Understand that 'codes of practice' exist separate from any legal requirements with which professional organisations are expected to comply.
  • Understand the need for a code of practice for ICT users in an organisation.
  • Understand what is meant by an employee code of conduct; responsibilities; authorisation; security; penalties for misuse
  • Describe the contents of such a code of practice

Resources - Information and the Professional

Key to resources: PowerPoint presentation Word file Acrobat file
  Internet resource        





ACM Homepage

n/a Association of Computing Machinery has lots of articles about IT professionalism.
Professional Responsibility

n/a Good Internet article about Professional Responsibility within the Royal Mail's IS/IT Community .
Codes of Practice

95Kb PowerPoint presentation from Chris Brown.
Codes of Practice

93Kb Short PowerPoint presentation based on Heathcote Ch.51.
British Computer Society

n/a Loads of stuff about professionalism.

Add/suggest new resources - Click here to suggest new resources relevant to this topic. Do NOT add attachments e.g. Word documents to your suggestions as these will be discarded.

Reading - Information and the Professional

Texts other than Heathcote can be found in the ICT section of the Library Resource Centre.

Key to reading: Heathcote - Core Text Internet resource Other book





Codes of Practice

n/a Heathcote Ch.51 Pages 274 - 278
BCS Code of Conduct

n/a British Computer Society Code of Conduct
Lack of professional standards

n/a Doyle Page 188
Codes of Practice

29Kb Notes on professional responsibility.
Ethical Issues

29Kb Notes on ethics from David Yates.

Practice questions/homework - Information and the Professional

Key to questions: Past exam question Heathcote question

Other question
  FatMax assignment Smokin' Dog assignment





1. June 2002 ICT4 Question 3

n/a New employees joining a company are each asked to sign an agreement to adhere to a code of practice for using the organisation's computer system.

Explain four issues that such a code of practice should address.
(8 marks)
2. NEAB Specimen Paper

n/a “Codes of practice” exist for professional within the Information Technology industry separate from any legal requirements.”

Explain, with the aid of an example, the distinction between a legal requirement and a code of practice.
(3 marks)

3. 1998 NEAB IT05 Question

n/a As the IT manager for a large company, you have been asked to develop an employee code of conduct.  Describe four issues which might be included in such a code.
(8 marks)
4. Heathcote Code of Practice question


Use the Internet to look up the British Computer Society's Code of Practice. Describe four general areas you would expect such a Code of Practice to cover.
(4 marks)

5. Heathcote Code of Practice Question

n/a Describe briefly a situation within an Information Technology environment which could pose a moral or ethical dilemma. Describe briefly three informal rules which could help in reaching an ethical decision in how to deal with the situation.
(5 marks)
6. Homework question from David Yates

n/a As the IT manager of a large company, you have been asked to develop an employee code of conduct.  Describe four issues which might be included in such a code.
(4 marks)


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