13.7  User Support & Training

Specification Content/Learning Outcomes

User support and training looks at the issue of software packages become more complex. Is there now an increasing need to provide some form of support for all levels of user?

User Support

  • Describe the ways in which software houses provide user support; relate these to cost and package credibility.
  • Describe the range of user support options available when using industry standard packages. These could include: existing user base, support articles, utilities, specialist bulletin boards, communications systems e.g. internet, e-mail
  • Select and justify an appropriate user support system for a particular context.
  • Explain the need for different levels of documentation related to user and task.


  • Explain the need for different levels of training related to user and task.
  • Understand the need for continual skill updating and refreshing.
  • Describe the methods by which users can gain expertise in software use and discuss their relative merits. 
  • Understand the need to develop training strategies to respond to growing user awareness.

Resources - User Support & Training

Key to resources: PowerPoint presentation Word file Acrobat file
  Internet resource        





Computer Training & Support in the US

n/a Results of a survey. Excellent read. A bit lengthy but well worth it!
User Support

94Kb PowerPoint presentation from Chris Brown.
User Support

112Kb Short PowerPoint presentation based on Heathcote Ch.48.

110Kb Short PowerPoint presentation based on Heathcote Ch.49.
Microsoft KB

n/a Good example of a knowledge base.

Add/suggest new resources - Click here to suggest new resources relevant to this topic. Do NOT add attachments e.g. Word documents to your suggestions as these will be discarded.

Reading - User Support & Training

Texts other than Heathcote can be found in the ICT section of the Library Resource Centre.

Key to reading: Heathcote - Core Text Internet resource Other book





User Support

n/a Heathcote Ch.48 Pages 262 - 266

n/a Heathcote Ch.49 Pages 267 - 269

n/a Doyle pages 241 - 245
User Support

29Kb Notes on user support from David Yates.
IT Training

29Kb Notes on training from David Yates.

Practice questions/homework - User Support & Training

Key to questions: Past exam question Heathcote question

Other question
  FatMax assignment Smokin' Dog assignment





1. Summer 2002 ICT4 Question 7

n/a A small legal firm is about to replace stand-alone computers with a new computer network. Industry standard software will be installed. As new users of both the equipment and the software, the firm is concerned about the levels of support and training that will be needed. There are three levels of system user: the solicitors themselves, the practice management and the administrative staff.
  1. Explain two factors that need to be taken into account when planning the training. (4)

  2. Describe two different ways of giving technical support to these users. (4)
  3. State two means of providing the training material, and give an advantage of each. (4)

(12 marks)

2. Heathcote user support question

n/a Describe briefly four features you would expect to find in help desk software designed to be used by a call centre diagnosing users' problems with various software packages.
(4 marks)
3. Heathcote user support question


"As software becomes increasingly easy to use, the need for user support will decline."

State whether you agree or disagree, giving two reasons to support your answer.
(4 marks)

4. Computer based training question

n/a Why might instructor-led training be more appropriate for staff who are beginners whilst more experienced staff might use CBT (computer based training)?
(4 marks)
5. Homework questions from David Yates

n/a 1.  Describe three items of information a user support line would log when taking a call from a user. 
(3 marks)

2. Many user support lines need to share problems and potential solutions between a number of operators who are answering calls.  Describe one method of achieving this. 
(3 marks)

3. Some user support lines also offer a mailbox facility to enable users to log their problems using e-mail.  What advantages does this have for:

(i) The software user
(ii) The user support staff   
(4 marks)


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