13.2 Information Systems and Organisations

Specification Content/Learning Outcomes

Information systems and organisations
  • Understand the difference between an information system and a data processing system.
  • Understand the role and relevance of an information system in aiding decision making.

Definition of a Management Information System

  • Recall that an MIS is a system to convert data from internal and external sources into information. This is communicated in an appropriate form to managers at different levels to enable them to make effective decisions for planning, directing and controlling the activities for which they are responsible

The development and life cycle of an information system

  • Recognise the existence of formal methods, the need for clear time scales, deliverables and approval to proceed.

Success or failure of a Management Information System

  • Understand the factors influencing the success or failure of an information system: inadequate analysis, lack of management involvement in design, emphasis on computer system, concentration on low-level data processing, lack of management knowledge of ICT systems and their capabilities, inappropriate/excessive management demands, lack of teamwork, lack of professional standards.

Resources - Information Systems and Organisations

Key to resources: PowerPoint presentation Word file Acrobat file
  Internet resource   Video    





Information Systems and Organisations

n/a Chapter 2 - good Internet resource. The rest of it is pretty good too!

116Kb PowerPoint presentation from Chris Brown.
Management Information Systems

n/a Notes from Mark Hunter Computing.
Management Information Systems

120Kb Short PowerPoint presentation based on Heathcote Ch.37
The Information System Lifecycle

298Kb PowerPoint presentation from Chris Brown.
System Life Cycle

33Kb Notes from David Yates
Systems Life Cycle

215Kb Short PowerPoint presentation based on Heathcote Ch.38
Success or Failure of a MIS

27Kb Notes from David Yates
The Success of a MIS

81Kb Notes from Clive E. Morley

Add/suggest new resources - Click here to suggest new resources relevant to this topic. Do NOT add attachments e.g. Word documents to your suggestions as these will be discarded.

Reading - Information Systems and Organisations

Texts other than Heathcote can be found in the ICT section of the Library Resource Centre.

Key to reading: Heathcote - Core Text Internet resource Other book
  Handout/worksheet   Video    





Information systems and organisations

n/a Heathcote Ch.36 Pages 232 - 237
Management Information Systems

n/a Heathcote Ch.37 Pages 232 - 237
Systems Life Cycle

n/a Heathcote Ch.38 Pages 232 - 237
Information systems and organisations

n/a Doyle Ch.12 Pages 182 - 195
Management Information Systems

n/a Notes from David Yates
Management Information Systems

87Kb Notes and activities from Clive E. Morley
What Managers Do

128Kb Notes from Clive E. Morley

Practice questions/homework - Information Systems and Organisationss

Key to questions: Past exam question Heathcote question

Other question
  FatMax assignment Smokin' Dog assignment





1. Summer 2002 ICT4 Question 2

n/a A company which distributes car parts has recently expanded and wants to commission a new corporate information system. It needs the system to be successful to ensure the future growth of the business.

State five factors that could cause the failure of such an information system.
(5 marks)
2. Summer 2002 ICT4 Question 5

n/a Many commercial organisations already operate using computer-based information systems, yet they often introduce new systems to replace current ones.

(a). State three reasons why a feasibility study might recommend the replacement or updating of an existing information system. (3)

(b). Describe three factors that should be considered when discussing the introduction of a new information system. (6)
(9 marks)

3. Summer 2002 ICT4 Question 8

n/a A large chain of supermarkets makes use of data processing systems and information systems.

(a). With the use of suitable examples, identify the difference between a data processing system and an information system. (4)

(b). Describe, with an example of each, the role of an information system in decision making for the following levels of supermarket management:

  1. tactical;
  2. strategic. (4)

(c). Give an example of how a data processing operation in a supermarket might provide data for a company-wide information system. (2)
(10 marks)

4. Summer 2001 IT04 Question 1

n/a What is the purpose of a Management Information System? (1)

Give one example of the use of a Management Information System within an organisation, clearly stating its purpose. (2)
(3 marks)

5. Summer 2001 IT04 Question 1


An information system was introduced into an organisation and was considered a failure. This was due to the inability of the organisation to manage the change.

With the aid of examples describe three factors, other than technical ones, which could have caused this failure.
(6 marks)

6. Summer 2000 IT04 Question 6

n/a A parcel warehouse distribution centre has introduced a new information system. Six months after its introduction the system is considered a failure. The management of the centre consider that the failure was due to their inability to manage the change, rather than for technical reasons.

With the aid of examples, describe three factors which could influence the management of change within an organisation.
(6 marks)
7. Summer 1999 IT04 Question 1

n/a The manager of a local company complains that the company's infoprmation system continually fails to provide the correct level of information. State four possible reasons why the system is failing.
(4 marks)


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