Reference: Aynard and Durand, Assur 3/1 1980

#5 AO.20.154

Ahu-tabi, Tispak-da''an and Silli-hubbusi<Abi-ili<Abu-tabu, peasants of Urad-ilani<Kidin-Sulmanu<Urad-Tasmetu, of their own accord, one time that they have given their rachat to Urad-ilani, their master. Urad-ilani is guarantor that they are released in what concerns their brothers.






Kidin-tasme-[tu< o-]-adad

Month Sippu day 13 eponym Assur-eres (c1270)

#6 AO20.155

According to the content of the tablet about 8 ânées of barley and 10 acres to harvest, credit of BEr-mar-iddin<Kurbanu, steward, raising the service of La-talappat, steward, which was written to the debit of Yada-aba-ili<Samedu ... 5  ânées of grain is delivered and 2 acres of field, representing the interest on the grain, has been harvested. La-talappat, according to Sin-musezib, has received Adad-teja, Lullaju and Marsani. They will harvest at the cost of Yada-abi-ili.



Adad-mu-li-sir <qi-pa-dingir-meš

Marduk-epir tupsarru < Lulaju


Hibur day 1 Eponym Nabu-bela-usur (c1244)


#8 AO20.157

One cow, of ..., purchased, property of La-talappat(um)<Adad-...-lesir, of the town of Kulišinaš, which he took away from the Sutu and which he has ...d; Iqsu the observer son of Adad-aha-iddin, in the town of Kulišinš, has seen and taxed.

24 Hibur, eponym of i-...en-...

[undated but La-talappat is attested in eponym Nabu-bela-usur c 1244]


#9 AO21.380

One cow 3 years old of good quality, property of Bel-ahhe-su<Siqi-Digla<Ruqia, to the debit of Assur-apla-eris<Ili-eriba<Kit'aiu of the town of Kulišinaš; he took it. The cow, after completing 2 months, he will return and the tablet will be broken. If after 2 months, he has not returned the cow, all the available property of Assur-aha-iddina, Bel-ahhe-su will take and keep.



Šuu <Supri-ilimeš-ni


amar-utu-mu-si-na tupsarru <30-erin2-dah


1 Abu-šarrani Eponym Assur-ketti-ide (year 1240)


#10 AO21.381

7 sutu 5 qa of flour, property of Ubru, which was received from Masi-Šamaš; forming part of the service of Šamaš-iqiš and of Kurbanu; it is Kurbanu who has received (the flour)


8 Muhur-ilani Eponym Assur-ketti-ide


#10 AO21.382

One brebis, breed gukkalu, property of Ubru, which was taken from Sutiu the Yuru, Silli-Digla, the assessor, in the town of Kulišinaš, has seen it.


16 Sippu Eponym Usat-marduk


#7 AO20.156

5 sutu of wheat, belonging to Urad-marat-ani<Urad-digla; debited to .... <Ili-itti-abia; the latter has received them. In Kuzallu, he will return them; if in Kuzallu, he has not returned them, the wheat will bear interest.


enšada -....<...

idim-... < Napšeru

Abu-bel... tupsarru <Iqbi-AN...

.... eponym Libur-.... (c1228)

#1 AO19.227

Say to Mušabši-Assur, thus speaks Abi-ili: I prostrate myself, I offer my life to my lord. Regarding the cattle which were lost, those of the town of Šikumišir and about which my lord has written me, the 4 cattle, I took them in person from Kassu, the ša hutari, who led them into the town of Šamu. I put the thief in jail and I then delivered thief and cattle to Adad-uballit<Usurrua. Ask in Assur, Adad-uballit. If it is true that I sent the thief to Assur-apla-iddin, then the delinquency attributed to me should be attributed there! In what concerns me, far from taking the part of my brother, I took the part of Assur-apla-eris.

Month Ša-kinate, day 20, eponym Assur-nadin-apli (c1227)

#4 AO20.153

8 ânes et cinq ba de grain: bien de Kidin-marduk, son of Urad-adad, who is in charge of the basse-coeur; Assur-remanni, son of Namer-Assur, took (them). Sur l'aire, he will reimburse the capital in grain and his tablet will be broken.

Witnesses: Iskur-sig5<sakkan-ti-de; Sutiu<utu-ši-igi-ni; iškur-re-u-ni<gir-iškur

                Adad-<dammiq>…..;  ;  Adad-reuni<…-adad

4 Kuzallu. Eponym Assur-da''an. (c1220)
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