Connections: The world of superheroes.


Okay, if the horror chronology maps the world of dark, then this connections segment is the world of light.

I start with the foundation of my last connecting of some big filmic universes.

Robocop vs Terminator is by Frank Miller who did Batman:The Dark Knight Returns .

Dark Knight Returns inspired the first Batman movie, and itself has been considered for a movie adaptation.

Alien and Predator and Terminator movies lead to the comics, and comics lead to superhero movies, therefore all parties involved have movies and comics.

So, let's toss in the corresponding movie series as we make a comic connection eh?

For now, Batman.

Batman leads to Batman Forever, and Batman and Robin .
Batman Forever mentions Metropolis, and Batman and Robin mentions Superman, so Superman fits in.

Batman and Superman meet in Dark Knight Returns .

Frank Miller did Dark Knight Returns, and Robocop vs Terminator .
Robocop vs Terminator connects to Superman vs Terminator .
Superman vs Terminator connects to Superman vs Alien .
Superman vs Alien connects to Alien vs Predator .
Alien vs Predator connects to Superman vs Predator .

Superman vs Terminator connects to The Death of Superman storyline.
Death of Superman was followed by A World without Superman, and Return of Superman .
Return of Superman featured Green Lantern.
Therefore, Return of Superman connects to Green Lantern vs Alien, wich connects back to Superman vs Alien .

Death of Superman featured Batman, so connects to Batman vs Predator, and Batman vs Aliens, wich then connect to Superman vs Predator, and Superman vs Aliens .

Dark Knight Returns connects to Batman:Year one .
Year One connects to Year Two .
Year Two connects to Year Three .
Year Three connects to Batman:A Death in the Family .
Death in the Family connects to Knightfall .

Knightfall connects to Batman vs Punisher (featuring Azreal-Batman introduced in Knightfall) wich was followed by Punisher vs Batman (featuring real Batman and Joker), wich both were collected in Marvel/DC crossover classics volume II wich is the sequil to Marvel/DC crossover classics I, wich connects Batman vs Punisher to all the other crossovers in Crossover Classics 1 and 2 .

So altogether, this connects Batman and Captain America, Joker and Red Skull, Silver Surfer and Superman, Batman and Punisher, Azreal-Batman and Punisher, Batman and Hulk, Superman and Spiderman, and X-Men and Teen Titans.

Technically, this opens up all the DC and Marvel universes!

So, it's really easy now to connect all the crossovers we want!

Like the current series, Joker/Mask !
Whelp, throw the Mask comics and movie into the fray!

The upcoming X-men movie ? Throw it on the pile!

The upcoming Spiderman movie ? On the pile!

The X-Men meet Classic Star Trek comic (X-men-Star Trek )? You guessed it!

The X-Men meet Star Trek the Next Generation novel?
Can't vouch for it's quality, but if you want to, sure, why the hell not??

This means we can throw all of the Star Trek episodes and films into the cauldron!

Heck, we can now go ahead and pop all the DC/Marvel superhero movies into the stew now too!

Hulk? In!

The Flash? Go for it!

The Punisher? Ugh, it sucks, but if you want to, sure.

Captain America? See Punisher.

Blade? Yeah, that's more like it.
I don't have any comic issues, but I'm sure he met somebody on the above list.
I think Spiderman. If not, he met somebody who met Spiderman.

Oh yeah, The Dark Knight Returns connects to Batman-Spawn .
Spawn movie goes into the soup *bloop*.

Then there's the Hulk vs. Superman matchup that happened some time ago.

Then there is the huge event series called DC versus Marvel/Marvel versus DC , wich pit Flash vs Quicksilver, Thor vs Shazam, Robin vs Jubilee, Sub-Mariner vs Aquaman, Green Lantern vs Silver Surfer, Elektra vs Catwoman, Batman vs Captain America, Superboy vs Spiderman, Wolverine vs Lobo, Wonder Woman vs Storm, and Hulk vs Superman (again)!

Hulk has fought/teamed up with Pitt, and Pitt has teamed up with The Maxx.

Oh yeah, let's not forget that there have also been the celebrated matches of Predator vs Tarzan, Predator vs Magnus Robot Fighter, and Predator vs Judge Dredd.

Thus allowing us to place in everything Judge Dredd and Tarzan related.

Judge Dredd has teamed up with/fought Batman, and Lobo.

"ARRG!! Enough! It's too much! It's out of control!", you're probably thinking.

I agree, once you open it up to the Star Trek world, and the complete Marvel/DC universes, you can reach sensory overload and pop your brain.

But, I have indeed established that all this stuff is one big world.
A world constantly bombarded with acid drool and mutant energy blasts, but a whole wide world nonetheless.

A world, *dramatic pause* of SUPERHEROES!!!




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