Let's start with...oh say Dune.

Kevin J. Anderson wrote a prequil to Dune.

Anderson also wrote the Jedi Acadamy trilogy.
Wich connects to Star Wars, wich connects to Darth Maul.

Here's another one.
David Warner was in Time Bandits, as well as Time after time "two time travel flicks on his resume".Time after time was a sequil of sorts to The Time Machine by H.G Wells, H.G Wells also penned War of the Worlds. Kevin J. Anderson edited a sequil of sorts anthology to War of the Worlds called War of the Worlds:Global dispaches, then the jedi acadamy link back to Darth Maul.

Time after time also starred Malcom McDowell, who starred in A Clockwork Orage, wich was directed by Stanley Kubrick, who also directed 2001 a Space Odyssey, wich came out a few years before Star Wars and created the positive climate to sci-fi that allowed Star Wars to be made, and as an homage, one of the hidden easter eggs in The Phantom Menace is a pod ship from 2001 at Watto's junkyard, Phantom Menace of course features our old freind Darth Maul.

Wich makes me theorize that when David Bowman went into the funky timewarp, he ended up in the Star Wars galaxy and sold his pod to Watto for a complete set of Phantom Menace action figures.

The action figures where naturally snatched by Jawas and re-sold to fat hairy collectors for quadruple the retail price.

Later, he encountered Senator E.T. at Chalmun's Cantina who after hearing his harrowing tale replied "ouch".

Then, he handed him a subspace communicator made out of a hotwired Speak and Spell and said "Phone home! Phone Home! Phone HOOOOOME!! HOOOOME!!".
Then, Bowman typed in the Speak and Spell "my god, it's full of stars".
Wich is still a mystery to scholars today.

Hey, here's another one. At the end of Time after Time, David Warner as Jack the ripper dematerialized in an unstable time warp.

I postulate he rematerialized in Three's Company.

Think about it.

Jack Tripper.

Jack T. Ripper.

Jack THE Ripper!!

He kills whores because of some sexual frustration.

Sexual frustration of not being able to poke Janet or Chrissie!!

Plus, in the background of Mary Steenbergen's apartment in Time after Time, there is a painting of a butterfly fairy woman on the wall with "Life", inscribed above her in a blobby psychedelic font that is EXACTLY like the one that was in plain view all through Three's Company.

Obviously, Jack liked it and took it with him when he killed Mary Steenbergen's roommate.

Time after time takes place in the 70's as does Three's Company.
I postulate that Jack the ripper rather than disintigrated, SLID into a PARRALLEL 70's and became Jack TRIPPER!!

Jack Tripper was played by John Ritter.
John Ritter played Frank Baum in a made for TV movie about the Wizard of Oz author.
Wizard of Oz spawned Wizard of Oz the movie.
Wich spawned the much underrated sequil Return to Oz.
The puppetry effects in that film were done by Jim Henson's creature shop.
Who also did puppetry work on Return of the Jedi!!
Wich connects back to Darth Maul!!!


Yes, I know what you're thinking. how does Kevin Bacon factor in?


Darth Maul was in Phantom Menace, wich featured the lithe and lovely Natalie Portman, who was in Beautiful Girls with Matt Dillon, who was in Wild Things with Kevin Bacon.

He shoots he scores

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